First day

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*skip 2 days*
So I meet the team the other day and the girls and the couches are so nice. But today was the first day of school and I was big nervous because it was my first day at little elm high school

 But today was the first day of school and I was big nervous because it was my first day at little elm high school

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This is what I wore

As I went down stairs my dad was putting waffles down in front of me with bacon "good morning love bug how are you feeling about you first day of school and practice" "im nervous as fuck dad but practice i think will go well hopefully" i said eating my waffles. After i was finished eating i grab my school bag my basketball bag and my keys and head out the door "by dad" "by honey don't forget to stop by the office to get your schedule". I get in my jeep open the gate in front if the big drive way and head to school. As im driving i see kids standing at the bus stop so im guessing they go to the same school, as I finally pull up to the school I park and sit in my car for 10 minutes. I decided that i needed to get out so i grab my school bag and start to walk in to the school when i nearly get hit by four boys. They wave for me to go and i wave and said thanks.
I walk in side the school and it was huge like huge I look around lost and accidentally run into a girl "oh no im so sorry" i said as i look up "no problem.. wait are you new here I've never seen you before" "yeah and lost" I chuckled to myself "no problem i can show you Im heading that direction myself "thanks whats your name" i said "oh lily you" "y/n" "wow i love your name" "thanks" "and here you are the office" she said pointing to the door "thank you maybe we could hang sometime" i said "yeah by"

As i walk in to the office and meet with the principal to get my schedule the bell is already ringing "I'm gonna let you get to class mrs. y/l/n" "okay thank u" i said walking out of the office. As Im walking to class the second bell rings and i relize that im late so i start to walk faster looking for the classroom 20 mins later I finally found my class and I walk in. "Your late" the teacher says not looking up "oh sorry I couldn't find the classroom. The teacher then looks up "oh im sorry you must be new the new student" "yeah" "whats your name" "y/n" i said "well you can go sit in the empty seat in the back" "okay thank you" as i made my to my seat in the back I realized that I'm surrounded by a group of boys. I sit my stiff down and take out my note book. The next thing you know i feel a tap on my shoulder "hey" i hear from the left of me. I just looked at him and looked back up at the teacher talking "okay I see how it is I was just trying to be polite" for the rest of the class period all they did was talk and honestly it was sorta annoying. Finally it was the end of class and i walk out i looked at my schedule and just sighed to myself because i had no clue where the heck my next class was which was art. As i started walking I bumped into lily again "girl we really have to stop meeting like this" she said laughing "yeah im lost again" i said "can you show me where the art room is" "oh yeah its actually down the stairs right here and around corner" "thank you again" i laughed. As i walk into art i asked the teacher where i should sit he pointed over to a table but it was empty at that moment. I walked over and sat my stuff down. "Hey ma you just keep following me" i here a voice call from behind me. As i look back i see its the same group of boys from my first hour class "oh my fucking god I couldn't have gotten lucker could I" i said rolling my eyes "hey im don" the back one said "im andre but everyone calls me dre" the white boy says "and im tommy" the asian looking one said "nice to meet y'all ima y/n" i said looking back down at my phone "wow thats just petty how you gone be nice to them but not me" he said winning. I looked up at him and said "well that's because I talk to people who don't have the common sense to great somebody first" i rolled my eyes "damn jay she got a point" don said and I laughed "well fine thin im jabez" he said "okay and" i said irritated "wow i cant win you over for nothing can I" he said as the teacher walked over to our table "okay so you don't have to worry about this project so you can just work on other stuff till we finish this project" he said walking away from the table.

*skip to the end of class*
As jabez walks away don starts talking "hey why are you being so mean to jabez" "i am" i asked confused "well its coming off like that" dre said "oh Idk he sorta seams like a fuck boy but i didn't realize i was coming across like that" i said "well he definitely isn't a guck boy hes never even had a girlfriend before nor has he lost his virginity" "what" i said sorta loud "shh don't tell him i told you that" "what are y'all being loud about over her" jabez says coming back to the table "nothing" tommy says laughing. The bell soon rang and we all left the classroom me basically running to my car.

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