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The bell rang and I sprinted straight to my car. It was finally lunch time and I could sit in peace. I decided to take my vlog camera out and start recording "hey guys so as you know its my first day and I've had two classes so far and no offense to this school but I don't know how much I like it here. Its lunch time right know and im just eating in my car because I honestly don't have friends so yeah. Omg that sound depressing saying it out loud well by gtg" I said stoping recording lunch is an hour long here so I sat in my car for 20 mins eating then decided to do a dance video

(Act like this is her dancing out side her car during lunch)

After I finished the video I headed back inside where the lunch room is to find lily to ask her for help to find my next class. As I made my way in the lunch room I sees lily as I got closer I seen she was with the group of boys that where in two of my classes. I quickly tried to turn around and leave to go back out of the lunch room when I hear my name being yelled "y/n come here" I slowly turned around waved and walked to the table. "Are you going to eat lunch with us" she said all happy "oh no I already ate lunch" "where" I hear jabez say "nona damn business jabez" you said with a tone of aggravation. "Well you can still sit and talk to me right" "yeah for sure" "oh look its my boo thang" lily said as tommy walked over "wait tommy lily is your girlfriend how cute" i said in aww "wait you know him" "yeah lol i have my first two classes with all of the boys" i glared at them "girl i am so sorry" lily  said as lunched continued i remembered i forgot my basketball bag "oh shit i for got my bag in my car" i said out loud "we can go with you to get it" lily said "yeah ma lets go" we all got up and walked to my car jabez walking beside me. We got to my jeep and they all went in to awww "omg yo car is so sexy" don says "lol thanks i guess" "wait y/n why did we come get your when its on your back" dre said i just laughed "basketball bag stupid" "oh man you play basketball" jabez said "yeah why" "because I love me a girl who can play ball" jabez says "ahaha okay jabez" i said walking with lily to my next class.

As me and lily parts ways I remembered to give her my number. "So what class do you have next" jabez says "ap french" "damn i got spanish" "yea" i said laughing. I couldn't help but smile while being around him i think we are going to be great friends. Its finally the end of the day i im heading out of the locker room for basketball practice when i bump into jabez "what are you doing here still" i said looking confused "oh you know i ball to" "really okay we gone have to play one on one some day" we both parted our ways and went to practice.

*Later that night.*
Practice was finally over and and i was heading home. As i pulled up in the drive way after going through the gate i parked got my bags and went inside "hey hone how was your first day" my dad said engulfing me in a hug "it was actually really good I meet this girl name lily and this group of boys they are really nice and funny i sorta like it here and basketball was so much fun" As i was talking i realized that I actually sorta liked it here and had the biggest smile on my face. "Well im glad love bug dinners in an hour okay".

I headed up to my room and through my bags on the ground i pull out my laptop and plug my phone in. As I opened my laptop i faced time maegan on it knowing she just got out of swim practice "hey babe how was your first day" meagan said concerned  about my answer "it was actually really good i meet this group of boys i have like every class with and they are pretty cool and one of them is like really sweat and i cant even with him" "ohhhh sound like someone has a crush" "no i don't" "your blushing y/n" "oh shit i am well i have to go take a shower bye love" i said blowing a kiss through the laptop "bye love bug" maegan said.

As i walked in my bathroom about to take a shower i get a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: is this y/n
Y/n: yeah
Unknown: yes great this is lily
Y/n: omg yes hi
Lily: so do you want to hang out on Friday
Y/n: yeah im free after practiceat 7:30 8 oclock
Lily: great im gonna add you to the group chat with the boys if thats okay.
Y/n: yeah
Lily: one more question
Y/n: ask away
Lily: do you like jabez
Y/n: what noo why
Lily: just seemed like it no biggie.
Y/n: oh lol 😳

Lily: hey guys I added y/n to the groupchat
Unknown: hey y/n this is tommy
Y/n: hey tom
Unknown: she called you tom 😂😂 this is dre
Tom: shut up nigga
Unknown: hey y/n this don
Unknown: hey Ma
Y/n: wow jabez you really just hit the spot man.
Don: don't mind this dude
Jabez💦💕🥵: what you mean.
Y/n: bye guys i have to go but nice talking to you😁

I went and took a shower and then went and ate dinner after i got out and put my pj on all i could think about was jabez I decided that i was gonna text him when.

Hey Ma | JabezvillWhere stories live. Discover now