A Dance to Remember- Darkstache (Part 3)

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Warnings: Same as before. Cover by kriiwolf on Tumblr. Dark's face perfectly represents my expression after watching the finale for WKM. This chapter is an emotional rollercoaster, just as a heads up.

William sped up his pace with a beaming smile on his face, opening his arms widely as if to embrace Dark. He stopped suddenly, a few feet in front of the entity. His cheerful demeanor shattered. Dark looked at the broken man mournfully, conflicting with the red and blue aura around him that radiated power and angry passion.

"You're not Damien". 


Damien... How long had it been since he had heard the name, let alone called by it? Years, mayhaps. There was something wrong. Dark subtly glanced over the crazed man in front of him. Wilford wore the familiar faded-red to pink suspenders and bow tie, the same pink mustache. He still had the same annoying sideways smile plastered on his face, but this time it was faltering. His eyes were red and puffy with shiny tear stains down his face. There was a gun clutched tightly in his shaking hand. And his voice... his voice was the Colonel. He didn't know, did he.

It only took a second for Dark to realize why Wilford came here.

It was then that Dark wished he didn't exist. Wilford was so happy when he mistook Dark for Damien. And Dark couldn't help but feel his heart break. Would there ever be a day when Wil would look at him the same way he did for Damien and Celine? Did he only care about Dark for the person, persons he used to be? Dark forced the thoughts and the pain that came with it aside. What Wil thought of him didn't matter. There were much more pressing matters now.


Wilford laughed in a low voice, forcing the sound out of his throat. His eyes were scrunched and tears dripped down his cheeks and his smiling face. 

"Oh, I am so sorry, you just look like the splitting image of a friend I know. His name's Damien, and he seems to be hiding from me, along with Celine. I-I don't seem to remember much about them, but I'm sure I'll find them real soon" Wilford stated confidently, hiding the gun behind his back. "I know how to find them, of course, but I'll let them continue to have fun with their little joke before I get them," Wilford chuckled. "Now tell me, who are you? You look familiar- and not just because you could very well be Damien's doppelgänger," Wilford questioned Dark in a jovial voice and a fake, painful smile.

Dark looked away for a second, pausing. He looked up at Wilford with a calm expression of hidden worry. "I'm an old friend," he ended up saying.

A young Mark wearing red stood at the doorway with a proud toothy smile, waving a young William over. Mark stepped to the side, gesturing to someone behind him. It was a scrawny and well-dressed boy with a polite smile on his face. William bounded down the steps to greet them with a large crooked smile.

"Damien, I present to you my good friend William. William, this is Damien," Mark announced theatrically. William excitedly grabbed Damien's hand, shaking it rigorously in a firm handshake. Wilford chuckled. He remembered this; this was the first time he met Damien. It was their friendship that created the trio of rascals that were seen running around the neighborhood.  Mark, with his charisma and charm, was the obvious leader of the group and was the bonding force between all of them. William was the more rambunctious one with his troublemaking tendencies but was known for always being able to put a smile on one's face. And Damien was undisputedly the kindest one and helped keep the other two in check with his knack for persuasion and mediation. 

William's vibrant energy was contagious as Mark and Damien laughed. William started incoherently gushing about himself and Mark and everything they will do together. They all walking into Mark's large mansion of a house as Damien tried to absorb the endless stream of information coming out of William's mouth. Damien stared at William with curious eyes, being unused to his high energy. William then put his arms across Mark and Damien's shoulders.

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