Mirror, Mirror- Mark & Dark

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Image by darkmagic-sweetheart on Tumblr, part of their WKM set along with the William one I used in one of my previous chapters. Dark looks so happy, I'd almost say it's out of character! I personally love white suit Dark as much as OG Dark. The animatic is one of PuppyRelp's older ones from YouTube. They make adorable art and animatics- y'alls should take a look at them!

Here's an uber-short fic I wrote on the bus in between requests. 

Warnings: mild cursing as usual.

He gazes into the mirror, adjusting the black Cloak sweatshirt on his figure. He ignores the voice screaming at him from the other side.

"Stop this!"

"Let me out!"

"Give it back!"

He sighs in annoyance, trying to block out the muffled pounding against the inner side of the glass. It was rare for him to be able to escape that voice, and it was even harder for the owner of the voice to be contained. He could almost always hear the yelling echo in the back of his head in a voice that sounded exactly like his. It was a pain, but he survived; it was a necessary evil he had to endure if he wanted to get anything done.

"Look, you know I can't let you go. You'd ruin everything I've worked on and hurt whoever's closest. You should know by now how much I hate cleaning up after you."

The man in the mirror scowled. "Fuck you."

"Wow, how elegant. I'm amazed at how many fans you've managed to attract the past few years, Mark." Dark cards his fingers through his hair, flipping it back to the left. He smiles, a perfect replica of Mark's aside from the scheming look in his eyes. "Don't worry, I'll treat them right."

"Don't you dare touch them!" Mark slams his hands against the inner side of the mirror with a resounding thunk. His knuckles were already bruised and battered from punching it, yet the surface was still pristine and smooth.

"Or what, hmm? Amy has no idea that I'm not you. Neither does Ethan, Tyler, and Sean. What makes you think they  would be any different? You've already been here for days. Why can't you just accept it? When will you stop fighting me?"

Mark grits his teeth at his mirror image. "I will never stop fighting you and I will never willingly let you control me. I'm going to get out of here, and when I do, you're going to have hell to pay".

Dark scowls. This was getting tedious. Damn Mark and his endless amount of optimism. He punches the mirror without warning, making a fist-shaped hole with a spider web of cracks. Mark instinctively flinches and jerks back. Dark smiles, his eyes briefly flashing to black. Good.

"When will you learn to give up and accept the inevitable? Get it through that thick skull of yours that you are weak  without me. We both know it's only a matter of time before I take over completely. So why do you even bother trying? At this point, I already own you."

Mark glances at the floor, avoiding eye contact. Locks of hair hang over his face and hide the tears welling up in his eyes. He's so tired of fighting. The question remains unanswered.

Dark turns away and stuffs his hands into pockets. He stops midway out the door, tilting his head to meet Mark's gaze.

"One more thing: it'd be best if you made yourself comfortable. Because you're going to be in there a long  time."

Dark leaves with the door slamming behind him. Mark sniffles and wipes the tears from his eyes.

"Enjoy your stay..." 

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