BANG BANG- Wilford/Reader (Request)

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Requested by emilythezeldafan ! Most stories with MC learning how to do guns usually focuses on sexual tension (like Tied Up) but this one just has an excessive amount of Gun Tips instead. Imagine the Bang Bang animation meme with Wilford "shooting" You. Also starring Dark as your wingman!

Icon by crygooeytooey on Tumblr. Look at the pic for reference on how the gun looks like in the story. I swear the FBI's gonna come knocking on my door after all the weapons research I did. That being said, I don't know a single thing about firearms/revolvers, so take everything with a grain of salt. Don't try this at home.

Warnings: Guns, murder mentions, mild cursing, innuendo, mentions of breaking the law/crime, voyeurism mention, Wilford calls Reader "darling" and "baby".

You relax in the living room of Markiplier (Ego) Manor, scrolling through YouTube on your phone and lounging on the sofa. It was uncharacteristically quiet because most of the egos were off doing their own thing that lazy Saturday morning.

Dark sits in an old high-backed armchair silently reading The Count of Monte Cristo in one hand (for "inspiration", he said). He seems to enjoy the relaxing silence and you're glad the two of you were able to get a break. Your most recent Markiplier video gets interrupted by the loud bang coming from outside. You jump, yanking the earbuds off and glance at Dark with a wide-eyed expression. He doesn't flinch.

"What was that?" you half-screech, "That sounded like gunfire!"

"That would be Wilford. He does target practice every weekend, I'm surprised you haven't noticed. Why else do you think everyone has left?" Dark replies nonchalantly, flipping a page.

Your heartbeat flutters at the name. Wil's bubbly attitude, fun-loving disposition, gentlemanly ways, and old timey accent all added to the interest of the eccentric man. He was also a bit of a flirt and never passed an opportunity to tease and make you flustered. There was just something about him... Dark sighs, breaking you out of your stupor.

"You look like a lovesick fool. Go. Take the hallway to your right, there's a glass door that leads to the backyard. You'll be able to gawk at him all you want from there," Dark says simply, looking up from his book.

Your face flushes. Were you that obvious? You shove your phone and earbuds into your pockets, preparing to follow Dark's advice.

"Thanks Dark, you're the best," you exclaim, racing to the hallway on the right and shooting Dark a cheeky smirk.

"I'm well aware of that," he replies matter of factly, continuing his book with the ghost of a smile on his lips.


You stare in awe at Wilford shooting the circular target with a marksman's ability. Even under his cream colored button down, you could see the flex of his biceps as the recoil hits with a resounding bang. There is something hypnotic about the predatory look of his eyes as he fires the large revolver. His face looks serene and surprisingly at ease with the weapon in hand. You notice that there's a hint something pensive and nostalgic in his gaze, as if the act of firing was a personal affair, rather than the cool detachment of most gunmen. Wil's movements are fluid and casual, the weapon becoming a mere extension of his hand. It was rare to see Wilford so focused instead of his usual, more scattered self.

You are mesmerized, unconsciously leaning closer to get a closer look. Your forehead hits the glass sliding door with a hard tap. Suddenly Wilford whirls around, gun pointed in your direction. You yelp, jumping backwards with your hands up in surrender.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot!" You scream, squeezing your eyes tight and waving your hands frantically in front of you.

Silence. You slowly peek your eyes open. Wilford knocks on the other side of the glass, wiggling a finger to gesture you towards him. His beaming smile is a sharp contrast from his previous contemplative expression; he looks like a completely different person. You calm down, now that the gun was safely out of your face. He then points to the doorknob. You walk towards it and notice that the sliding door was locked from the inside. You wonder how Wilford got out in the first place and whether or not someone locked him out.

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