Visitation- Yancy/Reader (Part 5)

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Cover by the-moon-pal on Tumblr. That is also my expression whenever I think about most of Mark's egos haha.

Final chapter of this Yancy fic! I tried to make it fluffy and romantic, which isn't really my strong suit. Also this is the first time I wrote kissing  kissing, so tell me how both of those things go!

The grey-haired guard stabs an accusatory index finger in the air towards you.

"I recognize your handsome and/or beautiful face! Didn't you break out? I was so disappointed that you left without filing the paperwork!" he says, sounding genuinely upset with you for not leaving through official means, "What's going on here?"

He pauses, eyes glancing back and forth between you and Yancy and then your interlocked hands.

"Am I interrupting something?"

Yancy locks eyes with you, a flush across his cheeks that you can see even with the low levels of light. You don't know what surprises you more, the fact that the guard isn't immediately sounding any alarms upon seeing you, a wanted criminal, breaking into prison grounds and canoodling with one of the inmates or his accusation. You could only imagine how bad it looks with the both of you in bed together and Yancy's hair uncharacteristically messy and loose from you playing with it. You admit, the mildly disheveled appearance looks rather nice on him, but paired with the blush makes your favorite inmate look completely debauched (which also looks quite good on him, but he doesn't need to know that).

The guard scratches the side of his head under his hat with the head of his flashlight.

"I don't know what the protocol is here, I never heard of someone breaking into the penitentiary before. I'm sorry Yancy, I know how much you like Y/N here, but I really should go get the Warden-"

Panic grabs you in a chokehold as you look to Yancy with a wide-eyed stare. The prisoner squeezes your hand reassuringly, holding it against his chest before giving the guard the poutiest puppy dog face you have ever seen.

"Please, sir, don't tell the Warden! Y/N and I, we're two star-crossed lovers, youse see. I's broke the rules to get them outta this joint and 'ey broke the rules just ta see me," Yancy says like he's letting the guard in on a secret, yet completely and utterly confident.

Words dry up in your mouth as your breath catches, thankful that Yancy wasn't able to see your face. It was a smart idea; you didn't remember the guard's name, but from your past interactions with him, he seemed to be the nicest and most sympathetic staff member in the entire penitentiary. You hope Yancy's plan will work, more for his sake than for yours. Especially after hearing about his time in solitary, you didn't want him to have to go back ever again.

You see the guard's mouth open in surprise, but his eyes seemed to twinkle with some sort of inexplicable pride. Yancy pauses and looks down bashfully as if embarrassed about his declaration of love, his warm hand still enveloping your own with his thumb absentmindedly tracing circles in your skin. It sends a warm feeling to your chest. Was that part of the act? He continues speaking, but quiet and bashful, clearly encouraged by the guard's enraptured look, you think.

"They're the only one I care 'bout outside'a here, and they're the only one that'd care enough ta visit, yanno? Y/N does all that heistin' and being sneakylike and well... they stole my heart. I spent most of our first meetin' tryn'ta fight them, really fallin' for that right hook, eheh... Now I wanna spend it lovin' 'em, if I'm able."

Yancy is a good actor.

It takes you aback even though you know it's just to aid in your escape (again). If you didn't know about Yancy's acting skills, you might have believed it yourself (you wished you could believe it, no one has said anything that sappy to you before). The guard seems to agree as well with a hand over his open mouth at the prisoner's heartfelt confession. You can't see well with the dimness of the cell, but the guard's eyes appear to shimmer with liquid.

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