A Dance to Remember- Darkstache (Part 4)

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Author's Notes: Finally this is done- thank you for reading this long installment! See you soon! Cover by piligy on Tumblr. That subtle highlighting and the color scheme is beautiful. The video is by Connie McFalcon (who is awesome and artistically talented). I love the song (Everything Stays from Steven Universe) and the video made me cry.

Dark and Wilford stood beside each other, looking out of the balcony in peaceful silence. Dark stood with his hands gently clasped behind his back while Wilford stood on his right with his hands on the stone edge, one of his palms resting on a cracked area with a hole the size of a fist. The shiny gold pistol was back in Wilford's usual spot and Dark was convinced that the pink mustached man wouldn't use it on himself, at least for now.

Dark knew that this peace was only temporary, as Wilford slowly forgot again. Wilford fully lived up to his famous quote: "Life needs a bit of madness", and it wouldn't be long before Dark would be running after him and cleaning up after his many affairs and "accidents". But for now, he was content that he hadn't lost his oldest friend.

The sun started to set as they stood there in contemplative silence for what felt like hours. Night was longer here and the sun set early, enveloping the grey sky with warm light and made the outlines of the clouds glow. The dark landscape of Raspy Hills was covered in shadow as the sun disappeared below the horizon. It was here that all of Mark's "egos" as the fans called them lived together in the large mansion overlooking the grim place. To Dark and Wilford, it was home.

"Hey Dark?" Wilford said, breaking the long silence with his familiar Warfstache drawl.

"What is it?"

"Am I a good man?"

Wilford turned to Dark, trying to judge his reaction. Dark remained stony-faced and neutral, his gaze still looking out at the vast expanse of hills. There was a lengthy pause and Wilford cringed and regretted trying to speak to Dark, a cold-hearted killer bent on the destruction of his creator, about morals.

"Wil, you are the only person that I can call my friend and after all the years I've known you, you're still the finest man I ever met. We both have our share of issues but know that I will always help you to the best of my ability, as I am confident that you would do the same for me. Because whatever happens, I am, and always shall be, your friend."

Wilford quickly turned to meet Dark's gaze, shocked. Hearing something this open and emotional from Dark was rare and thought to be impossible until now. He embraced Dark in a tight hug, not caring about what the entity would say about it.

"Thank you, Dark" Wilford whispered. Dark slightly stumbled backward from the impact, instinctively stiffening up with his arms still outstretched. His eyes widened slightly in surprise, but then he slowly wrapped his arms around Wilford, smiling slightly. And Dark, for once, was happy.

"Thank you, Wil". 


"I do not understand," Googleplier says to Dark, "My primary objective is to destroy all of mankind, yet yours seems to be to destroy just one man. What makes Mark so special that he is your primary target?"

Dark pauses, deeply contemplating whether to tell the android. "It is because of what he did to me, to them," Dark emphasizes, Googliplier's brows furrowing, thinking his audio devices were malfunctioning after hearing Dark's voice disjointing into what sounded like two overlapping male and female voices. "But most of all, to him," Dark says, his gaze turning to Wilford, who was gesturing madly a few feet away as he boisterously talked with Bim Trimmer about their respective TV businesses.

"Because for whatever my word is worth, I would give anything to change the past and for him not to suffer from Mark's actions. But that isn't possible. It's for the better that he forgets and that I shoulder some of his pain. I just want to alleviate that suffering for both of us. I just... want him to be happy. I want us to be happy. Even if it means killing the man who made me." Dark mutters mournfully with an overwhelming feeling of fatigue and guilt, not even able to muster the energy to feel angry.

Googleplier nods slowly, sensing a tone of finality in Dark's statement. He mentally resolves to make finding out more about Dark, Wilford, and Mark's shared past a priority. Dark then strides towards Wilford in long calculated steps, his hands clasped behind his back.

Bim subtly walks away, knowing better than to get between the two men or else feel like an awkward third wheel. Bim looks over to Google, who is causally observing Wilford and Dark from a distance.

The other egos frequently wondered about the nature of Dark and Wilford's past and their relationship. Dark was the only one able to get Wilford out of his depressive moods when he starts to "remember too much" as Dark puts it, and Wilford was the only one allowed to show any displays of affection towards Dark, let alone touch the entity without being immediately met with anger.

Dark and Wilford's short conversation is inaudible, to Googleplier and Bim's dismay. Wilford laughs heartily and slings his arm around Dark's shoulder. Dark visibly sighs in annoyance. They both walk away, Dark listening to Wilford with his hands calmly held behind his back and Wilford gesturing madly with his free hand as he speaks enthusiastically.

Bim couldn't help noticing Dark glance at Wilford with a Mona Lisa-like smile. Googleplier couldn't help noticing how their footsteps were unconsciously in sync. And both saw that from behind, they looked like two opposite halves of the same whole, with their fluffy mass of hair parted in opposite directions and their respective light and dark color schemes. The other egos were satisfied that they may never get the answers to their questions, but at least Dark and Wilford were happy and stable for once.

And that is all anyone could ask for.

Image by bootlegmarkiplier

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Image by bootlegmarkiplier. Basically how I saw the second part of this page/chapter.

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