Visitation (Part 3)- Yancy/Reader

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Art by invertedmindinc on Tumblr. If you like Actor Mark they also have an askblog dedicated to the snake bastard at the-tragic-hero-and-you with some quality art. I'm pretty sure it's the main reason I have sympathy for Actor (Where are the Actor stans, dammit?).

Also, PLEASE DON'T SMOKE. Yancy smokes in this and it might seem cool and emo, but it won't be cool and emo if you get cancer. The only person I'd happily let smoke (away from me and anyone else because secondhand is even worse) and die prematurely is my bastard uncle. And You are not my bastard uncle, so DON'T. DO. IT.

It was finally Visitation Day and Yancy tried to contain his excitement. He didn't want to bring his hopes up, but he couldn't control the amount of euphoria and giddy smiles that came with the idea of seeing you again. It had been a long month until that third Sunday. He never really cared about Visitation, but this was the first time that there was someone out there that he cared enough to see (and hopefully cared enough to see him). The other inmates cheered him on and the guards expressed their well wishes throughout the day. Even the Warden gave him the faintest hint of a congratulatory response as Yancy made his way to the Visitation Room. Normally they would call the prisoner in once the visitor came, but considering how you didn't make an appointment, Yancy had behaved for at least a week, and he was adamant on being in the room when you got there, they let him wait for you.

Yancy knew that the chances of you coming were slim. He kept telling himself that it would be impossible for you to visit with your fugitive status and all. He reminded himself, over and over again, to be realistic. He shouldn't put so much blind trust in someone he knew for only a few hours like that anyways. He didn't want to get hurt again, especially not by you.

He sat at an empty circular faux wood table in the back of the room. There were already a few regulars sitting at different tables and talking amongst themselves. Some of them gave Yancy a reassuring thumbs up, which he returned with an awkward half-smile. He had no idea what he was doing and he was as excited as he was anxious, which was to say he was a self-conscious, high-strung bundle of energy. 

Identical tables were scattered around the space with several plastic chairs in the same soft yellow hue. The walls were a creamy off-white with a foot wide mint green stripe running across the walls, flush against the white ceiling. The fluorescent lighting made the colors look haggard and grim; it reminded Yancy of solitary and offended his sense of interior design. He drummed his fingers on the tabletop rhythmically.

Yancy watched the other tables getting filled up as loved ones came and went. The room was louder now, full of energy and life: hands touching hands, tears of joy, sounds of laughter, long-winded explanations of everything that's been going on. The guards stood by idly, observing the scene with cool detachment. From Yancy's spot in the back of the room, he was able to see all of them. He smiled, imagining how happy they would be once they all got out of prison. 

Yancy hummed your song, quiet enough that only he could hear. His table was still empty. His foot tapped to the beat as he tried to release his pent up excitement without being noticeable and bursting into song. 

He waited.


The other inmates shot him a sympathetic look and goodbye before they left. He almost felt angry at them for doubting you, but he knew they were just looking out for him. The room was empty except for Yancy and one of the guards and the now-darkened windows betrayed the passage of time. He had been sitting at that table in the back for the past few hours. Yancy already hummed through almost every song he knew at least once, which was a lot. Thankfully, the guard didn't have the heart to tell him to stop (Yancy's humming was just as melodic as his singing, after all)."I Don't Wanna Be Free" was a popular hit, as well as the new song for the Warden's birthday. He also went through your song at least a few hundred times more, perfecting the notes and lyrics every so often. He even made a parody of his top single called "I Just Wanna Be Free", complete with a solo starring Heapass. Yancy was sure that you'd find it hilarious.

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