Demon Queen- Dark/Reader (Request)

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Look at how awesome is that! Art and request by A_door_bat. They made the art for the fic kinda, so this is what Dark is wearing now! When they published this into their art book (also on Wattpad? Go check it out for the different versions), they titled it as "Drag Dark". Thus the idea for this fic! However, I have no knowledge of drag (I used they/them for Dark, mostly because I always thought it would be interesting if Dark was genderfluid/nonbinary). AND on top of that, I made it a semi x reader because I've never really written in second person before and thought it'd be cool considering how many x reader fics I read. Overall this was a whirlwind to write and I simultaneously wrote 2 drafts of this request with 2 completely different plots. I'm sorry that the request took so long. I'll write the other ones soon y'alls.

Warnings: unrealistic depictions of drag, mildly thirsty reader, mild cursing, innuendo, Dark uses the pet names "princess" (intended to be gender neutral but substitute as you wish) and "angel" on the reader.

It was your first time going to one of Dark's shows.

The "Demon Queen" was famous for their live singing, dancing, and seemingly magical transformation sequences. You couldn't help but be mesmerized by watching videos of Dark on YouTube and their seductive, suave elegance. There was an air of mystery around the performer as well, which added to the intrigue. No one knew their name other than the title "Dark" (which had to be a stage name, because who would name their child "Dark"?) nor their background or what they did outside of their shows. Many have tried and failed to discover Dark's true identity, but to no avail. Dark was an enigma, and a sexy one at that. People from everywhere came to see The Demon Queen's nighttime performances, which they all describe as "magical".

Your heart beat loudly in excitement at your first show, arriving early to claim a good seat. Miraculously, you manage to get one upfront as people started piling into the large room, almost completely filling the chairs.

The establishment itself was classy with a red and black burlesque color scheme. It was completely decked out with black chandeliers radiating a warm glow, dim yet inviting like a Prohibition-styled speakeasy in hell. There was even an imposing grandfather clock to the side of the stage area that looked like it was genuinely from the 1920s, fitting the theme. The bubbly bartender (wearing a provocative lacy pastel-pink outfit that could double as lingerie) was already stationed in the bar at the back of the room. The audience chattered loudly amongst themselves in anticipation. The show was about to begin.

Suddenly a spotlight shines towards the stage. Standing there is Dark, wearing a suit and a white button down with hands held behind their back. A swoop of fluffy black hair falls to the left of their face. The only color on the monochromatic figure was Dark's eyes: the right eye has red colored makeup and their left blue, a signature of the Demon Queen. Dark's lips curl up into a mischievous smile as the crowd roars.

"Did you miss me?"

The crowd screams affirmatively.

"I missed you all so very much," Dark flirts, their voice echoing through the room's speakers.

"So tell me-" Dark grandiosely spreads their arms out towards the audience with a sexy smirk, "what is it that you desire?"

As if on cue, the crowd starts rhythmically chanting "Demon Queen! Demon Queen!". It seems that most of the audience were regulars and it made you feel somewhat out of place. But once you started chanting along, you were filled with more and more exhilaration you got further absorbed into the show.

It was so different to see the show live: the music, the crowd, and the atmosphere was better than watching the poorly filmed phone clips on YouTube. And seeing THE Demon Queen, IN PERSON, and with front row seats made it so much better.

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