Chapter 14: The CEO's reaction

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Chapter 14

Yin's Pov

"How did you know it was acting Hyung?" Chanyeol asked finally sitting on the sofa.

I just put the broom on the side and sat beside Chanyeol. I know, cleaning was never my field and I got kicked out from a boarding house before because I never touched a broom for a week but it's not a mess for me, believe me.

I stared at Suho when he started laughing hard.

"Yah! Do you really think I never noticed? Tao and Minseok cooking AN egg but actually putting oil first? Lay and Sehun reading lyrics? Kyungsoo and Kai playing Wushu and dancing something? Baekhyun reading his worst nightmare, Luhan crying because of that damn Harry Potter, You and Chen dancing like anchuna chickens or worst and Yin cleaning the place which is absolutely not? Who do you think would believe all of you are really busy? I know you are just making excuses.” he laughed again.

"What chicken? We are the dancing line!" Chanyeol defended. "But you're right. We just don't want to go with you... we might get scolded."

"AAHHHHH PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!! AHHHH" Kai came running towards the room while Kyungsoo is bringing a stick with him on his back. I noticed some blood coming out from one of his nose.

"NOT UNTIL YOU PAY FOR THIS!!!"D.O. shouted as he pointed on his nose.

"Guys, stop. It's over. The show is over! Sit down." Chanyeol ordered and the two did follow.

"I will seriously kill you." Kai whispered.

"Not until I kill you first." Kyungsoo glare and Chanyeol coughed.

“So Hyung, we are so sorry, we can’t come with you.” Chanyeol smiled and added his signature peace sign.

“What? That is so unfair! We all planned this and I will be the one to explain?” Suho demanded but Kyungsoo crossed.

“Hyung, correction, YOU were the one who decided it alone. None of us said yes to you.” And all of us nodded.

“You’re right but it’s for Yin’s sake!” then Chanyeol’s face lightened up.

“It’s for Noona? Let’s go!” Chanyeol hurriedly walked out the room, he sure is creepy.

I was surprised to see Luhan walk out of the room following Chanyeol and so did Chen and Suho.

But the rest of them kept silent still thinking. Tao and Xiumin went out of the Kitchen with horrid expressions.

“What happened?” D.O. asked.

“We just cooked egg and then we got burnt...” Tao said while cleaning his messy face.

“AND?” D.O. asked as he walked to the kitchen and shouted “YOU DESTROYED THE KITCHEN???”

The two nodded as they walked sneakily outside and followed the others.

“I hate all of you!” Kyungsoo said as he cleaned the mess.

“Let’s go Kyungsoo, you don’t want Yin to be kicked out just because of us right?” Kai said as he smiles at me and D.O. sigh as he walks with Kai.

“Where are we going?” Lay asked Sehun.

“To the CEO, we might see BOA there.” He blushed as the two walks out of the room leaving only me inside, wait, where is Baekhyun?

“Help me... Please, my fingers might be eaten by Chanyeol! Kai might eat my tongue or butt! Oh my God, what if it’s true? We will die!”  Baekhyun was shaking as he walks out from the bathroom.

“Are you okay?” I asked and his eyes widened.

“Yin! Help me! I might be the next victim of wrong turn!” he shrieked.

“Baek, relax, it’s just a novel!” I slapped him.

“Yeah right. So what happened?” he asked is a normal tone.

“To the CEO, let’s go.” I gestured.

---At The CEO’s Office---

We all entered the room and sat on the bench opposing to the chair of the CEO. He was sitting and reading something on his laptop though and never said a word.

Awkward Silence

“So, who decided to reveal Yin as a boy without my consideration?” Mr. Lee said as he faced all of us.

 We all glanced and pointed to Suho and he just sigh.

“It’s me sir.” He stood up and the rest smiled as if they were taking on a bet on Suho’s Dooms Day Bet or something like Suho will suffer! Bwahahaha smile.

“Why did you do that?” asked the CEO.

“Sir, let me explain---“

“I don’t need an explanation!” stood up the CEO which made all of us startled. He then went near Suho.

“Don’t you know what you have entered?” he took a grip of Suho’s shoulder.








“You have blessed SME!” he smiled which made all of us glance of him, jaws hanging open.

“Pardon?” I asked at him this time.

“We have entered a huge success guys! EXO have been the flavour of all news from the last 2 days and we have rocked twitter for 2 consecutive days with our new member.”

“And guess what; some of the overseas fans have loved as back adding 60% more on our fandom and buying 75% of our unsold freebies and albums. EXO is a big hit more than One Direction! Many business men are willing to be stake holders of our company just because of our abrupt rise... I have won over YG at last!”

We just looked at him with disbelief and he then motioned near the window.

“If you don’t believe me, look outside.” We walked to the window and our eyes almost fell off. We saw fans, hundreds of them standing outside the building with a banner saying “We Love EXO! We Love Yin!”

“They had been sitting there for days. They build tents during the night just to show the support guys.” Mr. Lee almost cried.

Chanyeol then went near my side and whispered. “Yin, look over there, I saw a granny.”

I watched the Granny who is I think around her 75 or something from afar I read her big banner.

“I love you Yin! Marry Me!” I almost choked. We even have granny fans with us? Hard core.

“But we have a problem.” The CEO then closed the curtains.

“What?” Suho asked.

“Sooner or later they will find out who Yin really is. If that happens, we will surely die.”

And we all grew silent.

“But, I can do something on that.” He offered. “As long as you are willing. Yin are you willing to be a gender-bender for us? For your mom? For EXO? Are you?”

I looked everyone’s faces with hopes with them. Am I? Will I?

“I am willing.” They all cheered and hugged me tightly.

“Then let us start.” The CEO signalled some people as they hurdle inside the office.

“Start what?” I asked as one made me sit on a chair as he took a brush and some scissors.

“Your makeover of course!”

Make what???


What would the makeover be? Oh boy, Yin will surely be a boy! Read the next chapter and FOLLOW and VOTE!

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