Chapter 38: The Visitors

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Chapter 38

Breathe in.

Breathe out.



“Yin? Are you okay?”



Breathe In.

Breathe out.

“Yin, you are not going to die.” I felt Chanyeol’s hand on my shoulder.

“What?” I asked.

“We will just perform so don’t be nervous as if you are going to die. Relax.” He smiled.

Breathe In.

Breathe Out.

“Okay.” I smiled. I glance at everyone else inside our make-up room. We are gathered here an hour before our concert for some retouches.

I admit, I’m really nervous. Some members are already rehearsing but members like Kai and Baekhyun are still playing with their phones, feeling really relaxed while laughing at each other. I hope I had that confidence.

“Close your eyes Sir Yin, I will put some eye shadows.” One make-up artist said.

“Oh.” I closed my eyes.

“Here. Sir, could I tell you something?” she said.

I nodded.

“You are so pretty sir.” I smiled awkwardly and I heard Tao, who is beside me laugh silently.

“Yah!” I kicked his knee.

“Ouch.” He hissed and I laughed. He looks like an idiot.

For a while we stayed on the waiting room 30 minutes before the concert. It were just us, the members, some are playing, some are sleeping, some are praying *lol, Sehun is praying* and only I is nervous.

EXO be like:

Kai: *le practice dance hotly* is it good?

Chen: You dance like a macho dance. *le laugh hard*

Kai: Shut up. If I am a macho dancer then what do you call your dancing?

Chen: Professional.

Kai: *le jaws drop*

Baekhyun: Taeyeonshi? Are you still angry with me?

Taeyeon: *turn off the line*

Baekhyun: Wait… Ugh. *le be sad*

Chanyeol: Hyung, gwaenchana, its okay, everything will be okay for the both of you. *le hug Baekhyun* *BaekYeol Feels >.<*

Baekhyun: *le cry* huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuChanyeol…

Chanyeol: it’s okay Hyung, but please stop crying, you don’t suit to be a drama queen.

Kyungsoo: *le walks to Kai* Kai, look at BaekYeol, they are so sweet. *le pout*

Kai: *le glance at BaekYeol, le smirk* don’t worry Hyung, we are better than them, KaiSoo is better. *le wink* *KaiSoo Feels >.<*

Xiumin: * le play cellphone games*

Tao: *le challenge Xiumin on a game* let’s play hyung.

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