Chapter 31: The Man with The Hood

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Chapter 31

It was awakened around 12 pm. Ugh. I can’t sleep. I stared at D.O. well; he is sleeping and drooling... (like ewww). What do you expect on Kpop stars, Gods? That they don’t drool? Of course we do.

*Insert fart sound here* I glanced at Kyungsoo, did he just---- O.o, never mind, we all fart do we? I laughed for a bit and I decided to take a walk (to get some fresh air obviously).

Beside our hotel was a park that shows a great view of the Big Ben, the legendary clock of London.

I sat on a bench as I stare at the huge clock. It’s pretty. I watched the whole place, it’s fantastic. Then I felt a strong breeze which made me smile and I started to sing.

"You'll always be my Peter Pan no matter how long I have to stand..."

*AN: for more feels, insert the song Peter Pan by EXO or you could play Silv3rt3ar’s English cover if you don’t understand the song, since it’s Korean lol. Kekeke just suggesting, now read!*

"I'll wait here for you coz it’s not the end and I know we will meet again." I was surprised when someone sang together with me.

"Who's there?" I asked but there was no answer. Wahhh nobody said London has many ghost!!!!

"Booh!"I got startled when someone whispered in my ear. I (luckily) took a stick from my side and without looking I pointed it to the person next to me.

“Yin...” I opened my eyes and saw a tall guy wearing a black hood on, covering his face.

“AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!” I panicked, for God’s Sake I don’t know who it was and he knows me. What if it’s the ANGEL OF DEATH?! I’ve got so many dreams and I can’t die! What if it’s from the SAW... or WRONG TURN... or ANNABELLE? CABIN IN THE WOODS? NO.... not blood... never blood.

Before this horrible killer could touch me, I let go of the stick and punched him really hard on the face.

“HYYAAH! don’t you even dare to kill me you murderer! Not me, Yin, a black belter HA!HA!” I stood up, feeling proud as I look on the guy sleeping on the ground (XD I think I made him sleep).

I went near the guy when he was no longer moving (but to be sure, I used a stick to touch him and make sure he is soundly asleep) before I opened his hood.

After I saw his face, my eyes are like:










Guess who was the guy behind the hood? It was no other than Kris. Wu Yi Fan. Kevin Li. Whatever you call him, he is sleeping on the ground because I punched him. Yes I did, I punched him.

I saw blood from his nose.

I tried to wake him up but I guess he loves dreamland so *sigh* it was no avail.

“Eottoke... Omo... Kris? Just wait there, I’ll call for help... No, I’ll bring medicines for you okay? Just stay right there!” I said as I ran to the nearest pharmacy, you asking why not ask help from EXO? Eh. I could imagine what they would do.

Yin’s Imagination

Me: Hey Guys, I saw Kris and yeah due to some circumstances, I punched him on the face and he is unconscious and he needs help. *nervous smile with matching peace sign*

All of them: Huwwwat? You punched him?!

Suho: Yin, you need to go to prison and I’ll pay for you to go there! *shows money*

Chanyeol: Noona, you always say never fight but what now? You punched a six feet tall guy and you are still smiling? *shocked*

Xiumin: you.... punched Kris....................................... (long silence)

Kyungsoo: I should have never given you banana in the first place. *glare*

Tao: You punched him, how many times?

Me: Once

Tao: then a punch for a punch! *punched my face*

Chen: Yin! Tao! What have you done! Yin are you okay?

Me: Yeah.

Chen: You heard her Tao? She is okay. Now, punch her more, maybe she won’t be okay *troll*

Kai: *Le smirk* serves you right. *le walks out*

Baek: Taeyeon, wait don’t cut the call off----- ugh. What a pretty brat she is. Hey everyone, wattsup? Wait, Yin?!

Lay:  Who is Kris by the way? *innocent*

Sehun: *le kicks me*

Me: Ouch.

Sehun: *le kicks me again*

End of Yin’s Imagination

So yeah, in case you are wondering.

At the Pharmacy

“May I help you miss?”-sales lady.

“uhhh, I ask, if guy faint, medicine.” I uttered, I don’t know English!  I really regret sleeping during our English class back then.

“Oh. When a guy faints I see. Well you have first to take him in a clinic to be examined because he might have a deeper cause or illness----“

“No, he not sick. He is punched by I. He asleep and bleed nose.” I tried to sound cool.

“Oh. Right. Well, you can give him these so that he can wake up and here are some ice packs and factor VIII tablets to stop bleeding.”  She smiled and I did as I took the meds and ran as fast as I could.


Hi there! Watssup! Yow okay! (Sorry author Noona is just high) I hope you liked this chapter and yeah mianhae for not updating much but really I’m struggling with my Physics grades. Huhuhu I need to study and maintain 96. *sigh* so yeah, please vote and like ENM! Just FYI, I joined a Parliamentary Debate Contest, an Oratorical contest and a Retelling Competitions (I won all over it kekekeke *le proud smile*) so yeah, I’m sorry for not updating for 14367598680997744526R7689867  years; L

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