Chapter 28: A Chaotic Plane Trip

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Chapter 28

Yin’s POV

“Mind if I sit beside you?” Suho asked and I nodded. I was beside the window of the plane.

“You have been so silent this past few days.” He uttered and I just smiled, “I’ m just not used that Luhan left us.”

“It’s okay, you will be.” He showed me a reassuring smile. I nodded and continue gazing outside.

“Yah! I should be sitting there! Get out! Kah!” Chanyeol shouted at Suho which captured my attention. Chanyeol is standing infront of us and talking to Suho.

“Why would I do that? Is there any Chanyeol written on this chair? Where? Where? None. Go find another seat!”-Suho

“But I wanted to sit beside Yin!”-Chanyeol

“But I came first.”-Suho


“Shut up Suho!”-Chanyeol

“Leave you ugly giant!”-Suho

“Wow, oh really you call me ugly? Well, as long as I’m tall not like you, you short, ugly, old hag who always nags about his riches because he is insecure.”-Chanyeol

“Guys... Excuse me...”-Me

“Atleast I’m rich! Not like you, you are so poor that you borrowed my shirt before back in our trainee years because you don’t have enough shirts left!”-Suho

People's attention were focused to this 2 morons and I could tell they hate their fuzz. I signalled other members to stop them but they just put their earplugs on to sleep and some took their cameras to take a video of their idiotic fight and Lay was laughing hard. Ugh. These guys!

“So you are talking about our training years? Well yes I did borrowed one but I gave you one of mine too after using yours as a we are even!”-Chanyeol

“But it was so big that I looked like I’m  wearing a dress!”-Suho

“It’s not my fault that you are short!”-Chanyeol

“Well... uh... I don’t care! I’m rich!”-Suho

“Wake up Hyung, wealth can’t buy your height!”-Chanyeol

“Hyung?! Then why do you call me hyung if you don’t respect me? Huh?”-Suho

“Then leave the chair so that I sit beside Yin and this war will stop.”-Chanyeol

“No. I.will.not.leave.”-Suho

“GUYS! LOOK AT THE BABY! HE IS CRYING!” I shouted which made the two stop and glance at the baby who is sitting behind our seat. They may forgot that we are not the only people boarding this plane.

"Uwahhh... omma... a giant and a dwarf is fighting uwaaah..." the child cried and the mother tried so hard to make him stop but it was no avail.

"Who do you call dwarf? Me?!" Suho glared and Chanyeol nodded saying "It would be impossible if it would be me right?"

"Would you two quit it? The kid is crying because of your fight. Now, go ask sorry for him! Kah!" I shouted which made them rattled.

As soon as the two walked towards the kid, both of their expressions softened.

"Sorry little boy, we never mean to frighten you." Suho said but the child won't just stop crying.

"I, the giant won't shout at the dwarf anymore so please... stop." Chanyeol said as cute as possible and the child stopped.

"Promise?" He asked and the two nodded. The child then smiled as his mother tried to sing him a lullaby for him to drift into sleep.

Both of them sigh as they walk and sat beside me(making 3 people fit for a 2 person seat) and laughed at their dumbness.

"It's good that you two decided to stop. We would have to deny you as acquintance if you continued." Chen laughed.

"You should have not stop yet! I did not finish taking the video! Its so short! It would be best to post it in instagram." Sehun exclaimed but Suho slapped his head and mouted shut up.

"Could you all shut up? I need to rest." Tao said in a very timid tone.

"What happened to him?"-Suho

"I don't know, maybe he is on PMS."-Chanyeol

"Yah! What the hell is that PMS by the way?!"-Kai

"Find it out by yourself you black korean."--Chen

"I will you dinosaur faced hyung!"-Kai

"What did you just----"

"Guys! Do you want to see another baby cry? Why don't you jusy sleep or stay still? You all are the worst." I sigh and they stopped fighting.

"Sorry." Chen said.

For a while the plane was quite until Chanyeol started to whisper on me.

"Do you want to drink coffee? I Could get you one." He offered and I nodded.

"But Yin, do you want milk? I can get you one too."-Suho offered but when I was about to answer, Chanyeol came running with a coffee.

"Thanks. No thanks Suho, coffee is enough with me." I uttered as I sip the coffee.

"Its so cold." I said after a little while. The aircon is really freezing.

"Here! Get my jacket." Both of them said in unison handing me their jackets.

"Its ok----"

"No. You should wear a jacket."-Chanyeol.

"My jacket."-Suho

"You guys are way so obvious!" Baekhyun laughed and the rest did... except for Suho, Chanyeol and...Tao.

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