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India's P.O.V

From behind my back, I heard footsteps but then whisper's that kept making me even more mad.

I soon heard a bam noise making me stop and break into tears.

I slowly looked back before he did, we both locked eyes making me turn away quick.

I looked again to see him walking off to the distance of his house, I continued walking down the street with Bronxie in my arms plugging in my headphones.

Even though I'm not familiar with this place, I can still find my way back, I cutted many corner where I was now at where all the stores projects at.

"It's ok bronx, We good" I patted her head smiling a bit until a car approached me slowly.

"Hey pretty girl, You need a ride?" There deep voice traveled into my ears making me get chills.

"No, I can keep walking." I looked forward continuing to walk while the car still rode beside me.

I started to jog faster with Bronx in my arm making the car ride faster with me, I rolled my eyes stopping.

"Look, I said I don't need no fucking r-"

A loud car pulled up in front of the car blasting a song saying "Look At Me".

I looked at the BMW seeing Jahsehs face when the window rolled down.

"Get in India." His raspy voice called making the car that was following me mad.

"Fuck you x!" They yelled out making Jahseh poke his head out the window grinning.

"Suck my dick." He rolled his eyes before making a huge U-Turn in the road back to the house.

I watched Bronx look out the window while Jahseh just stayed quiet for 13 Mins.

"You ok?" He finally spoke making me turn my head towards him, I sighed pulling Bronx tight before speaking.

"Yeah, I just get mad quickly and it makes me upset." I started playing with my nails until I saw him pass the street to our house location.

"Um..You passed the stre-"

"I know." He mumbled making the ride silent again before he pulled over to a street that leaded into a hill.

I looked confused as he only smiled before getting out the car.

I opened my door getting out too waiting for Bronxie to get out but instead she wanted to stay in the car with the window rolled down.

"This is what I call, Make Out Hill." He sat on the hill watching the water below flow to the direction of the beach ahead.

"I always come here when I'm feeling numb, mad, or whatever." His dreads swayed around from his face making him look cute.

"Oh..I like it" I responded picking up a pebble from a random pile build up throwing one into the water.

"I know." He responded again also grabbing a pebble throwing it in the water.

"So what makes you call it make out hill?" I pulled my hair into a messy bun so hopefully it won't get tangled up.

"Just think about it, Who wouldn't call this make out hill, you can watch the sunset, have your groove on, or whatever you want, Damn you can even fuck up here" He pulled his dreads into a high ponytail Leaving some of the black hair hanging down.

"Well...True.." I let out a little laugh making him smile a bit more.

"Why we're you crying earlier?" He rested his palm on my thigh making me shake a bit as the sun began to set.

"Because, Im afraid for her to snort cocaine and shit, That's how my God sister died." I clinched my jaw tightly making him move his hand further up my thigh.

"It's ok, I'll tell her not to do it again." His raspy voice got closer to my ear making me turn my head.

"Jah...I-" His lips quickly smashed on to mines making my sentence cut off, It started off rough but it soon smoothed.

My phone soon started ringing making him pull back with no expression, my heart was beating pretty fast since I wasn't expecting it again.

I grabbed my phone answer while looking at the people on the beach from a distance.

"Hello?" I asked hearing soft breathing through the phone before they spoke.

"You better watch out you little slut." Geneva's voice shouted before hanging up, she still didn't learn her lesson.

My sucked my teeth shoving my phone back in my pocket before getting up.

"What was it?" His voice got even more raspy as he started yawning getting up after me.

"It's nothing." I fake smiled before getting into his car checking on Bronx.

Jahseh rolled his eyes getting back into the car cranking it up.

"Aw my babes" I made my baby vocie towards Bronx making her happy as Jahseh made a stinky face at me.

"I'm not your babe? Oh wow..." He sighed before backing out on the road to get back home.

"You never asked tho, plus I don't know you like that." I added on before he turned a song up on the radio.

Yess my favorite song "Candy Rain" was playing, he started humming along making me him along with him.

"You got some great vocals" He smiled making me blush, I'm really falling for this dude.

"You do as well, Kira told me you were a Rapper or Artist" I looked around his car at how pretty it was.

"Something like that, Teeheh" He laughed as we soon pulled up to his driveway, I could've just walk across his yard to mines easily so I didn't mind.

"You busy tomorrow?" He turned the car of turning towards me before unlocking the door.

"Hmm, Nah I'm free" I patted my head since it was itching, I didn't want to dig my nails into my head, my hair is fresh.

"Alright, Wanna just chill with me tomorrow?" His brown eyes shined through the sunset as the moon started to pop out making his skin shine.

"Uh sure, What time?" I responded pulling Bronx into my arms as I got it the car.

Jahseh hopped out the car too walking me to my house while thinking of a time.

"12:00 is ok?" Jahseh shoved his hand in his pocket before staring me down.

"Yeah that's fine, Well um..cya tomorrow" I pulled out my keys unlocking the door giving Jahseh a sweet smile.

"No hug or nothing? Meanie." Jahseh poked his bottom lip out making me giggle.

I set Bronx down in the ground letting her run into the house, I turned back to Jahseh who licked his lips slowly and biting them before opening his arms from a hug.

I rolled my eyes giving him a hug, his slender hands made it's way near my butt making me flinch a bit.

I pulled back seeing him smile, he put his lips into a kiss shape making me smirk.

I layed my index finger on his lip before walking back into the house closing the door.

"Goodnight Jahseh." I smiled before closing the door making my way up to my room.

I'll just wash in the morning since I'm tired and it's already getting late since time flies fast.

I stripped out my shirt leaving me in my bra and shorts.

I could hear Kira's moans and Sonny mumbling words to her as her head board hit the wall hard.

I rolled my eyes putting on my earbuds falling asleep to some soft music.

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