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((What's going on right now in italic is her dream so, Heads up!))

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((What's going on right now in italic is her dream so, Heads up!))

"Jahsehh..Stop.." We we're playing on a hill with drinks and snacks sitting on a blanket.

The wind blew against the bright green grass and yellow dandelions , our skin rubbed together on the grass playing fighting with the beautiful sunset shining on us.

"Stop whining, You know I love you." Jahseh golden skin glimmered in the sun with his body hovering over mines enjoying his time.

"Duh silly.." I smiled pecking his soft lips pushing his dreads aside.

His brown eyes examined my body before he started leaving hickeys on my neck.

"Can you keep a promise?" I pushed him back making eye contacts with him as the wind blew harder against our skin.

"I don't want to say I do but I'll try." He responded as the clouds started moving fast with the sky color changing in a lapse quickly.

"... Jahseh Promise to not break my heart.." I rubbed his soft face seeing a different him appear.

He didn't look the same at all, he looked sick and worried.

His eyes gained eye bags quickly as his eyes got darker making everything in the background a black and white color.

"Jahseh may accept it but It won't happen."  Geneva walked up the hill with a bloody knife and a white bloody dress on making her way to Jahseh.

"What are you doing here?!" I yelled standing up backing away from them two, Geneva walked behind Jahseh rubbing his chest slowly while rubbing the knife against his cheek.

"What do you mean, you forgot he's still mines? Pfft." Geneva scoffed turning Jahsehs head towards her kissing him deeply as he kissed back smiling.

My stomach twisted and turned at the sight of him doing that, Jahseh wouldn't do nothing like this!!

"Jahseh what the hel-"

"Shh, You got everything wrong, Jahseh doesn't exist no more, only X does and he only loves me, Isn't that right babe?" Geneva rubbed Jahseh's face as he nodded pulling Geneva into his arms.

My eyes started getting watery causing me to drop on my knees and cry.

"What the hell is wrong with you two! I'm fucking pregnant with his baby!" My voice faded away watching them both laughed in front of my face as everything became blurry.

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