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I woked up in a hospital only seeing my sister Crystal in the room half sleep humming a tune

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I woked up in a hospital only seeing my sister Crystal in the room half sleep humming a tune.

"C-Crystal?? What's going on?!" I raised up quick then felt a sharp pain in my stomach and face making me fall right back down into the bed and scream.

"India calm dow-"

"It's good Ms Crystal, I'll talk to her." A lightskinned male doctor came walking in pulling a chair next to the hospital bed with a lot of papers in his hand.

"So Ms India, Last night at 9:18, You guys were riding around bikes, Remember that?" The nurse pulled up his light blue gloves adjusting his chair to me.

"I-I don't know, What happened to me?!" I lifted myself up but them got pushed back on to the bed roughly by the doctor.

"Damnit!!! BITCH, that hurts!!" I yelled seeing a glass of water sitting next to me with some pills, I reached my right hand to grab the glass splashing the cold water on his smooth face.

"India!!" Crystal jumped up grabbing a random towel sitting on a chair giving it to the nurse.

"Relax!! Give him a freaking chance before hitting him!!" Crystal yelled with a little bit of tears rolling down very fast.

I groaned turning my head away from then exhaling deeply.

"It's ok, I deal with this everyday." The doctor smiled setting the towel aside grabbing his papers again.

"Listen, Around 9:18 or 9:34, Somebody was shooting around the area, Yes, You got shot in the stomach twice, Hit your head on the floor hard but the other bullet went straight through you and hit the friend of yours that was behind you."

My heart started beating fast making me look around the room panicking.

"W-was it a male??" The machine started beeping a bit faster as I panted in fear.

"Yes it was, He had blonde and black dreads, He got shot in the upper chest." The doctor starting checking my blood pressure and stuff trying to calm me down.

"Can I please get out this bed?!" I snatched the cords off my chest and arm making the machine beep like crazy.

"No ma'am!! Stay down!" The doctor yelled trying to push me back gently as Crystal also tried.

"Let me go!!" I yelled stumbling out the bed ignoring the pain in my stomach limping out the room looking around the blurry hospital.

"We have a patient trying to escape!" A doctor yelled pointing towards me as I squinted my eyes trying to run to a random room I thought Jahseh was in.

Guess a number, hurry, 417.

I bussed through room 417 revealing the hurt Jahseh all corded up on the hospital bed unconscious.

I ran over to the bed looking at the machine then his pale face that was very light.

"THERE!!" A doctor yelled as some policemen grabbed my arm pulling me out the room hurting the fuck outta my body.

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