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I haven't been updating at all , like seriously , at all because school fucking started so I'm more focused on school rn , But I'll try to update at least .

𝓘𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓪'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥 :

1:30 PM .

I finished cleaning up the house before going outside today for my workout routine and stuff as usual .

I connected the leash to bronx's collar before putting on my sneakers tying both of the shoe strings tight , I kept the necklace Jahseh gave me to go around my neck , It made me felt different .

" C'mon Bronx " I tugged the leash opening the door putting on my earbuds before jogging around the neighborhood , I glanced at Jahseh's house , His car was gone .

He didn't took his car because he rode with his " vro " apparently to do some runs , And his keys is on the key hook .
I continued jogging with Bronx . Some minutes later , Jahseh was calling my phone .

" Hello ? "  I answered hearing his heavy breathing through the phone .

" India you mind p-picking me up really quick please .. I'll explain later! "

He said talking quickly while out of breath through the phone , My heart started racing quick making me choke on my words .

" Ok ok ok , Where you at ??? "

" Down the abandoned road with the abandoned houses near the corner store . "

" .... O-ok I'll be there in a few . "

" Ight , ight .. "

I hunged up the phone picking up Bronx rushing back to the house , I tossed Bronx in the house grabbing my keys locking the door , I calmed down sprinting to the car before driving off .

1:35 PM

I made it to the dead end getting out the car seeing Jahseh and his friend standing there scratching there head like they just got into some shit .

" Jah ! " I called him walking over to him as they quickly put there hands in there pocket going silent .

" Ski you gotta come with us , I can't lose you . " Jahseh grabbed ski by his wrist pulling him a little bit but he refused to move.

" No vro , go , I'ma be fine , I'll just explain to them ! " Ski yanked his arm back beginning to walk away but Jahseh grabbed the back on ski collar pulling him back .

" Nigga get cho fat ass back ova here , You gonna get yourself killed nigga , just fucking come with us . " Jahseh clinched his fist before we started hearing police sirens from the distance .

" What the fuck is going on ?! " I broke there conversation backing up as they both got shook up .

" Hurry to the fucking car . " Ski said running to the car jumping in the back seat as Jahseh got in the passenger side .

I quickly got in the car backing out the abandoned spot driving far away from the area far as possible .

" Nigga that's what I've been trynna tell yo dumbass . " Jahseh rolled his eyes pulling up his hoodie laying against the window .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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