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I stepped back in the house putting on my Revenge hoodie with my black slides shutting my house door

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I stepped back in the house putting on my Revenge hoodie with my black slides shutting my house door.

They were all staring at me from a distance like they were talking about me, I rolled my eyes not scaring that much, I'm just going over there to ride on a bike.

India pulled her hair in a ponytail staring at me with a little frown but she knew she couldn't stay mad forever.

I stared back as some people hopped on there bikes riding off while some people recorded.

"Your spirit isn't right." I spoke feeling x coming in.

"I know, Can we talk about something.." India frowned not wanting to make eye contact a bit, I nodded following her in her house as she locked the door behind us.

She placed herself on one end of the couch as I just sat on the other end Leaving a bit space between us, My hear dropped to my knees resting my face in my palms.

"It was this dream that kept bothering me so much....." Her soft voice traveled into my ear making myself starting to come back but x kept trying to come back.

"Yea?" I mumbled moving one of my hands off my face keeping the other one on my cheek listening.

"The hill, Make out hill, We we're on that hill and apparently I was um, Pregnant with your child." India started tapping her foot repeatedly like she was nervous.

I removed my hand from my face looking towards India seeing her having a hard time to speak it out.

"Look, you don't ha-"

"No! I got it." She yelled over me making x come in more quicker.

I held my right arm keeping it down for reason.

"Geneva was there, She said that Jahseh, you, left and x came back only for her." India stop tapping her feet looking at me in a certain way.

"Who's x?" India grabbed my left hand pulling it on hers making my body flinch.

"Look I didn't even want to tell you this but your dumb ass dream had to tell you." X spoked making my other side Jahseh feel bad.

I can't let x take control, he hurts people way too much like I did my mom cleo.

"Well it's not my FUCKING fault that I had that dream because you keep LOVING up on me since Gene, Gen, Geneva or whatever her name is LEFT!! We Aren't Even Dating!!" India shouted making the house silent.

"Listen here, your not gonna fucking shout at me and not give me a fucking chance to talk." X reached for her neck with his right hand pushing her head against the couch.

"It's not that poor pussy ass Jahseh that's talking right now, it's fucking x."   X gripped her neck tighter as Jahseh sat back not being able to do a thing since x took control.

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