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5 Months Later

I turned over in the mini bed beside Jahsehs bed still seeing his bright pale skin, I sighed rising up out the bed walking over to Jahseh resting my palm on his cheek feeling his cold skin.

I really hope he'll get better soon..

I propped myself next to his bed scrolling through my phone until a small knock greeted at the door before it opened showing his mother 'Cleopatra' and his little brother 'Aiden'.

"Hey Ms Cleo." I smiled softly then giving the shy boy Aiden a little smile before he quickly ran into my arms hugging me tight.

I met his parents, Well his mom, when they first came to the hospital , She's a nice lady, She treated me like I was her child too, She would usually come over and comfort me so I wouldn't be worried much about Jahseh.

"Hey Ms India." Cleo chuckled pulling me into a warm hug as Aiden tugged on me tight on my hoodie.

"Aww Aiden.." I smiled hugging him back until I noticed he was hard down crying but it was silent.

"Ohh no, Aiden don't cry, It's ok!" I pulled him up on my lap wiping his wet tears away as Cleo sighed looking over at Jahseh with a weak smile.

"He's been crying like this for like a month now.." Cleo frowned running her fingers through Jahseh's dreads making me frown too.

"Aiden what's wrong..?" I wiped his cheeks facing his face towards mines as His eyes began to get puffy from crying too much.

"M-my bwother, h-he's dwead.." Aiden wiped both of his eyes sniffing up his snot before coughing mucus with it.

"Nonono don't do that, spit it out and H-he's just sleep.." I pulled a trash can over letting Aiden spit into it before he jumped out my arms going to Jahseh's bed.

"I tried to tell him to same thing but he won't listen.." Cleo shaked her head opening her arms for me to lay in her arms, she knew that I wanted to cry but I didn't want to.

"No Ms Cleo i-im ok, y-you don't need to.." I fake smiled being pulled into her arms being rubbed on my back by her making me feel relaxed.

"You need comfort.." Cleo hummed I my ear as we listened to Aiden try and sing one of Jahseh's song to him, It sounded like some song Jahseh was working on but never finished.

Aiden walked back to me and Cleo then sat on my lap making me smile a bit, He smiled back showing that he lost 2 of his baby teeths making me laugh.

"Aiden your teeths!" I giggled tickling him making him release a laugh that we all wanted to hear, A smile grew on Cleo's face before she grabbed her bags getting ready to go.

"Well I gotta get going, I hope you feel more better for the tragic along with my son.." Cleo looked over at Jahseh sighing before rubbing her palm against his cold cheek.

"O-oh ok, Cya later Aiden!" I smiled as he waved walking out the room with Cleo closing the door behind them.

It's also time for me to get out this hospital and go and find me a job to do instead of wasting my time sitting in a room staring dead at Jahseh.

I packed my clothes going into the bathroom getting ready to wash up and change into better clothes.

Jahseh's P.O.V

4 days later after India left

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4 days later after India left.

"What was Happening To Me" I questioned myself in a dark room hearing droplets of water dripping from no where.

A chair was sitting in the middle of the light where that was the only light available at, I ignored it walking away from the light but the more further I walked, The more closer it got to me.

This place felt very cold and sticky, It felt wet, sticky, No where to move, I felt trapped.

"We've met again Jahseh Ricardo Onfroy, 1998 January 23." A rusted voice spat in the darkness making me stare until I went running towards the voice but a force pushed me back into the chair making me sit down.

"Who the fuck are you.." I groaned feeling pressure against my chest like I was being sat on .

"Who Am I?"  The voice said before letting out a deep chuckle moving places around the room, Every sound it made, I turned my head towards the sound trying to see them.

"Just fucking tell me where the hell am I and who the fuck are you." I kicked my legs releasing my body is stuck to the chair like I'm tied.

"Inpatient young teen aren't you? Not knowing what's right from wrong until you fight off the demon you are now to seek who you actually are, Tch." I felt the voice right behind my back making me lean my head back revealing a person dressed in all black with a black mask, Couldn't see much details of there face since it was covered.

"Just please fucking tell me where I'm at at least.." I groaned kicking my legs trying to escape from the chair as the person chuckled walking around the chair fidgeting a blade.

"Don't worry about it, Until next time.." He stopped in his tracks showing a white grin before the chair I was sitting in disappeared making me fall through a nonexistent hole .

I opened my eyes quick seeing me in a hospital room, Nobody was in here at the moment, I looked down seeing a lot of cords attached to my arms as the tv placed a old show.

What happened to me..

I groaned snatching all the cords off not caring what the hell they will do to me, I stumbled out the bed on the floor struggling to get my balance back.

I stumbled to the door swinging it open collapsing on the floor seeing a nurse turn around and drop there stuff.

"Omg, Mr Onfroy is awake!!" The nurse yelled hurrying picking up her stuff as I ran to the elevator smashing the button so I can get in.

The nurse then ran up towards me grabbing my arm pulling out a needle trying to stick me with it, Hopefully This don't hurt the women.

I grabbed her wrist turning her arm around injecting the shot in her neck making her release some squeals before dropping to the ground.

I scoffed getting into the elevator to the first floor leaning on the wall seeing the reflection of me in the smudged mirror.

"Remember Jahseh.." A voice said in the elevator making me drop my head low, I feel controlled..

The elevator opened as everybody started gasping seeing me push away from then outside looking for a way home.

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