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I rose up from the couch ignoring the face working my jaw a bit.

"What's wrong with him??" My eyebrows furrowed seeing all there faces looking miserable, I didn't want to think worst but all there faces made me think worst.

"Is he dead?!" My voice raised as they all exhaled the breath they were holding before speaking.

"No, not exactly, He's in critical condition and close to death but he's fighting for his life." Crystal brown eyes traveled to the light shining through the blinds making my heart sank.

He's in critical conditions..why not me? Wasn't I standing in front of him taking the bullets and not in critical conditions?!

I slid on my slippers reaching for the set of crutches they gave me, I refused to use the wheel chair to look miserable.

I also forgot the foot cast they gave me since I fell hard to the ground getting my foot caught in the door and the outside decorations on the front door that was sharp.

"India what are you doing?! Relax!!" Morgan slowly tried to set me down making me aggravated.

"Stop touching me!!" I raised the crutches throwing one at Morgan making her run across the house.

"India!!" Sonny yelled getting hit by the crutches on the side of his hip.

I rolled my eyes limping to the door limping my way outside to the car.

"India get back in here!!" Kira yelled chasing after me with Crystal.

"Stop! I want to see Jahseh, Now." I hit Kira and Crystal on the hip with the crutches opening the car door getting in.

They all sighed grabbing their phones and keys getting into the car driving to the hospital we left.


Third Person

They all fussed at India during the drive to the hospital to see Jahseh.

India didn't listened to them, Sue was just focusing on getting to the hospital to see Jahseh's conditions.

"Can YALL SHUT THE FUCK UP PLEASE." India yelled in pain as the car got silent with the radio playing low.

"L-look India we're sorr-" Kira and Crystal tried to speak to India but she wouldn't let them finish.

"IF YOU'RE SORRY, STAY FUCKING QUIET FOR ME!!" India yelled to the top of her lungs making everybody hold there breath.

India was just stressed out about her conditions but most importantly, Jahseh's Conditions.

After they arrived to the hospital getting India inside to see Jahseh, India's heart pounded so much at the nurse flipping through the paper to find Jahseh's name in the book.

India's P.O.V

"What's the name?" The young women asked as I leaned against the counter hurt.

"India Westbrook, Here For Jahseh U-uh.." I looked towards Kira for his last name since she knew.

"Jahseh Onfroy, Jahseh Dwayne Onfroy." Kira spoked helping me keep my balance since I was hurt up.

"Umm, Yes! Jahseh Onfroy!! Take the Elevator to the 3rd floor room number 317!!" The Women smiled as I pushed Kira off me moving with my crutches very fast to the elevator.

Kira scoffed looking at Crystal as she ran after me while the rest stayed back waiting.

"India s-slow down! You're gonna injure yourself more!!" Crystal cried out putting her foot through the elevator door so it wouldn't shut.

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