Chapter 3

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"I feel like I'm eating sandpaper."

"Have you ever tasted it to make that remark?"

"Nope, but if I had I bet that it would taste like this."

Is it normal for fish to taste this way? I'm one of those people that prefer beef instead of fish anytime, but I can eat fish and I never proved one that was this horrible. All the food in front of me is terrible to be honest. The potatoes are as rigid as a rock, the lettuce may be grass, you don't see a little bit of olive oil, so this looks like the Sahara Desert and you already know about the fish. The only eatable thing is the dessert which is pudding and the Pepsi.

"I can't eat more, I feel like I'm going to throw up." Looking at Sarah's face I actually see a little bit of green in her cheeks and her eyes are watery.

"Drink some water." I suggest.

Looking at Beth I see her stabbing her food with the fork and with no intention of eating that 'thing' they call food here. When I'm going to turn to Sarah to see her condition I notice that Beth didn't eat her pudding, and that is the only good food in the entire meal.

"You aren't going to eat the dessert?" I ask her with my eyes traveling from her face to the pudding. She caught what I'm saying by following my line of sight and then nods her head to the sides while mumbling something along the phrase "Not hungry."

That is a shame, for you, you are the one losing, not me. But if you see this on the bright side I'm helping Beth not gaining calories that are unnecessary and I'm making a favour for not wasting food. There are people starving out there, you can't simply reject pudding, like it is not even there. Nope, that can't happen.

My tongue slides to clean a little of pudding from the corner of my mouth and my eyes focus on the bottom of the container, it's over, not even a single drop remains there. I look at Sarah's board and see that she ate her pudding already.

Damn it, I'm still hungry.

Both my best friends are sound asleep I didn't even saw them starting to get sleepy.

I decide to go to the bathroom since this is going to be a long flight and I'm going to spend most of the time sleeping, so I need to empty my bladder. While I'm day dreaming about eating an enormous burger the moment we leave the plane and arrive at the airport, I bump into someone. A guy, a really handsome one.

How cliché. And here was I trying to prevent this from happening.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you." No shit Sherlock, I refrain myself from saying this.

"It's fine, I wasn't really paying attention." It is true, I can't deny it.

"You okay?"


"I'm asking if you are okay, I bumped into you so hopefully you are not hurt?" I'm guessing that he meant for it to be a statement and not a question but that didn't work the way he wanted it. And I'm not a fragile girl we only bumped and I am not a porcelain doll and he is no Superman, even though he is quite sexy and I can have a wonderful view of the muscles in his arms thanks to his shirt and the obvious abs, wait, is that a six pack?

Focus, Kate.

"I'm okay, not even a bruise." He flashes me a megawatt smile that would melt 70% to 80% of the girls' population.

"I'm Dylan, and you are?" He shoves his hands on his front pockets making his muscles almost jump out of his shirt.

"Kate, Kate Blair".

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." That is one of the most typical and used phrases ever, and is so cheesy but it is effective, and I need to prevent myself from blushing right in front of him. No one ever called me beautiful, except my big bro and best friends, and especially not a hot guy like this.

"Thank you." My voice betrays me by breaking at the end and he laughs, but a cute laugh not like my jerk of a brother uses to.

"I'm not going to waste more of your time, I bet that you have better things to do. I'll see you around."

"Yeah see ya." That being said he passes by me and leaves to take his seat.

Let's get this straight the boy is gorgeous and all that, but this is no romance book or movie like 'The Notebook'. He only noticed me because we crashed into each other and even though he said, 'I will see you around' I bet that he wanted to say, 'Hopefully I will never have to see you again'.

As you can see it was nothing more than a simple conversation with a boy.

Your legs say otherwise.

Oh, stupid conscience.

Looking down I see my jelly legs shaking like bamboo leaves and if it wasn't for me gripping the nearest seat to me I would have probably face planted myself on the ground along with the rest of my body. I stay a few more minutes still and when I feel that my legs are steady enough I walk as quickly as possible to the bathroom.

I didn't expect the toilet to be huge, but I didn't expect for it to be a cubicle and that was exactly what it was. Now looking at the mirror while washing my hands after peeing, I can't stop myself from comparing this to an aquarium. So, this is what a fish feels.

I'm never going to have a fish again.

See Ariel, this is what Sebastian was trying to explain to you. That everything is better under the sea.

Under the sea

Under the sea

Darling it's better

Down where it's wetter

Take it from me

Focus, focus Kate.

Leaving I head to my seat, when I'm almost there I notice Dylan a few rows ahead. I let my butt sank as much as possible on the comfortable seat and watch my two best friends still sleeping, and I follow their example.

I fall asleep thinking about all the Disney movies that were such an important part of my childhood from Aladdin to the Beauty and the Beast.

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