Chapter 27

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A smile from ear to ear is on my face and it seems like it's going to remain there for a while. Looking into Nathan's bright green eyes, which are focusing on me, makes heat greet my cheeks.

We did it. We finally kissed! And was it good...

Suddenly I feel his thumb passing over my flushed cheeks, "I don't understand what took us so long."

"If I knew that it would be like this I wouldn't have waited, I probably wouldn't have wasted time brushing my teeth." I laugh at my remark and Nathan chuckles along.

"You enjoyed it?" He rest his forehead on mine and whispers seductively.

Oh, Dear God. I'm melting.

"Mhhm" Is the only thing that I'm capable of saying, thanks to his close proximity and because I'm dizzy from our previous actions.

I can still feel the effects of our kiss, it blew my mind away and the sensations that came with it were simply mind-blowing. Never in my entire life did I experience these feelings, so intense, so powerful.

Nathan's warm breath hits my neck and playfully bites my earlobe, and I have to restrain myself from moaning since my senses are still much amplified.

"The deer is still looking at us." He whispers.

I turn to see it myself and sure enough, he is. His head and rods are very visible, he hasn't left yet. He is simply there, gazing at us.

"Maybe he likes what he's seeing." I say to Nathan.

"Dirty deer is enjoying the show we're giving." I laugh once again, his stupid humor is getting to me. But I soon remember my previous thoughts when I woke up.

"Do you think we should hunt it?" I caught him by surprise with my question by the expression on his face, so I decide to explain myself, "I mean, we're already lacking food and I'm tired of eating snacks. Since we're stuck in the woods, we may take advantage of it." At my last words, I point at the animal only a few meters away from us.

"It's not a bad idea... in fact, I don't know why we're only thinking about that now. It's something so obvious." He looks at the deer as he says the words to me, but as if the animal knows the plan, we are coming up with to catch it, it flees.

I hide my head on his chest and wrap my arms around his waist. Why now? Why leave us now when we needed? Nathan locks his arms around me, noticing my mood, "We'll find more animals. Also, we don't have equipment to kill a rabbit, let's not even talk about a deer. We need to build some stuff."

I nod and remain in his embrace, I could stay like this forever.

My thoughts go back to our kiss and my mood changes again.

I don't understand why I'm so shy and flushed, I mean it isn't the first time that I kiss someone, so it doesn't make any sense. Nathan is definitely the most charming and hottest guy that I met, and the kiss was nothing like the others, but still...

In Nathan's arms I feel safe, as cliché as that sounds. He has been there for me since I met him, he knew me before I knew him. He has given me strength when I thought that I would break. He is funny, sweet, lovely, courageous, smart and so many more.

He is beautiful from the inside and out.

He is every girl's dream. Yet, I'm the one in his arms. I'm the one that kissed him and more important, the one that he wanted to kiss.

At this moment it doesn't matter that we are stuck in the woods. It doesn't matter that we left the others on the camp. Nothing matters except us and our moment.

We are in our little bubble and I want to stay here for as long as I can. I don't want to face the harsh reality that is life, I want to live this little piece of fairy tale. I want Nathan to give me what Steve wasn't able to give me, what my parents weren't capable to give me.




"You okay?" I hear Nathan asking. He gently tilts my chin up so he can look into my eyes.

"Yes. I couldn't be better." I tell him and I couldn't be more truthful, he has this ability of making every moment better, every situation more bearable.

He looks at me for a while longer and I start question myself for a second there. Can he read my thoughts? Does he want to kiss me again? Do I have something on my forehead?

So many questions pass my mind but only one is answered, or rather only one is the correct. He leans forward and gives a slow and feather kiss on my lips.

I'm still not used to the feeling of his lips against mine or the feelings that come with it. His lips are so soft and gentle, he doesn't try to deepen our kiss, and I don't feel the need to do it either.

This second kiss is just as good as the first, the only difference is that this one is sweeter and more delicate while the other was more desperate and hungrier.

We separate no longer after it started letting me want more.

"Stop pouting." He passes his thumb over my lower lip, "We'll have time for more."

Looking into his eyes I know that he is being serious about it. His bright green irises are now darker, the green is almost the colour of the pines' leaves, making me know the truth behind his words. And, I can't wait for it.

"Now, about the others..." He leaves the phrase hanging. All the playfulness and sexual vibe disappear in a snap.

"Oh, yeah... We should go back, they must be wond—"

"No Kate, that's not what I mean..." He interrupts me. I frown, now confuse. I thought that he wanted us to go to the camp, "What do we tell the others about us?"

"About us?" I repeat not understanding what he is saying.

"If the others are awake by now they'll question what we were doing and what took us so long. I don't want to lie to them, and I God damn won't be staying away from you and I won't pretend that nothing had happened when it did."

If it did...


"But what are we supposed to say?"

What are we? I want to ask him instead but refrain myself.

He rubs his hands on his face obviously getting exasperate. As a habit, I start to bite my nails and try to come up with an idea that can help us.

"I don't know Kate..." He eventually says.

"They aren't going to like this, especially the boys." I groan in frustration about the last part. I know the girls won't mind me and Nathan having 'this', whatever it may be. The problem is the boys, or better saying, Ed.

He has been a pain in my ass since we got here and it's not going to change now. It's probably going to get worse since it now involves Nathan, his best friend.

"I don't want to get assaulted by them." I say.

"I'll never permit that." He throws immediately.

"I know that Nathan. I do, but it's the most likely thing to happen." I try to reason him.

He shakes his head knowing that I have a point there.

"We can try to hide that we have something. In front of them we act like we have been this 3 weeks and when they aren't seeing... you're mine." A cheeky grin appears on his face, and I'm dazed for a moment.

"That needs to work." I say quietly while trying to hide my blush because of his words.

You're mine...

"This is going to be fucking hard." He grabs my hips and crashes me against his body, making me lose my balance for a second there, so I put my hands on his chest.

"No, it won't. We just have to act like nothing new occurred."

He lowers his head and leaves a wet kiss on my neck before traveling all the way up to my ear, to whisper, "But something happened, and I want so much more to happen next."

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