Chapter 33

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Oh please no.

"Kate. C'mon." A voice whispers.

I already said no! Let me be...

"Babe, you have to wake up." I feel something being pressed against my neck and I eventually discover that it's a nose running up and down my skin.

I'm way too tired, physically and psychologically. My body is starting to feel the effects of our long walks every day through the woods, you would have thought that it would be the opposite, that I would be getting used to it, making me stronger and able to handle it better but the lack of food and the nervousness is affecting me. Now the psychological part, my brain is a mess; with what have been happening it feels like it doesn't function anymore... and let's not forget about what Nathan said to me last night.

I had no sleep, and if I had any it was probably a few hours nothing more. After our conversation I felt like my head was ready to explode and my heart was going to jump from my chest.

Some things don't make sense, why would a serial killer choose us? Why would he make us enter the woods? If he actually wants us, why would he wait so long to kill us or whatever he does?

Although there are things that don't fit together some do. The killer was supposed to stay away from public places, he is in a woods.

But what are the probabilities of being him? But if it's not him who is out there with us? Someone from the asylum? But that place must be abandoned for five decades or something. Maybe the person who wrote the 'Help Us' message? No, that person was seeking for help or just decided to vandalize the place with that sick note.

Oh, my head! Stupid headache is still here, stronger than ever.

"Cupcake everyone is already up." I let my head fall on Nathan's shoulder and I feel his hand stroking my hair, the feeling of someone giving me a caress makes my heart flutter.

"Please?" He tries once again.

"I just want to sleep." My voice is so weak that it's difficult for me to hear it.

"You can't now. We need to have breakfast and leave."

Leave... Walk... Tired...

I don't want to get up. I want to sleep and pretend that I'm on my bed and my annoying brother is singing in the kitchen while I'm trying to sleep.

He tries one more time and I pretend that I haven't heard him. Let them leave me here I don't really care. The odds are against us so we will probably die here, at least let me die happy while I'm sleeping.

"Whatever you want." I feel Nathan getting up and I'm relieved that I can finally rest and die in peace. That's till I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my body lifting me from the ground. As soon as I feel my butt off of the ground my eyes snap open.

What does he think he's doing?

When I look down at the ground a shiver passes through my body, so I wrap my arms around his neck, if he lets me fall I'll kill him. I hear him chuckle and if I wasn't so worried about breaking my butt, I would hit him.

Wait... I can't break my butt! And I can't hit him he may lose his balance and then we fall... oh damn.

He lifts me closer to him and I tighten my arms around his neck. I can see the muscles on his arms bulging because of him carrying me.

"Liking it?" He says and I know that he is talking about me watching his biceps.

"What's wrong with you boys and always catching a girl watching your bodies?"

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