Chapter 28

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 "Found them!"

"Where the hell have you been?"

"We were so scared."

"What were you thinking to disappear like that?"

As soon as we arrive to the camp, we are bombard with questions, insults, and really colourful names. You can see a large variety of expressions, some have worry and relief written on their faces, others are looking incredulously at me and Nathan and then are the neutral ones.

Worry and relief is the best way to describe the girls at this moment, Dylan is the one that is looking at us like we are some experience from a lab, and Ed doesn't have a single reaction towards us.

Neutral. Blank.

His eyes are boring into mine and you can see how cold and deadly they are right now. His facial expression may not show a thing but his eyes, they show how angry and furious he is.

He scans me and Nathan up and down as if searching for something.

"Sorry, we lost track of time." I eventually say breaking my eye contact with Ed Furious Bull.

"Yeah, we were sort of... busy." Nathan says by my side, I can see the corner of his lip twitching and I know that he is teasing me because of what happened.

So much for being discrete and smooth.

"Busy!" Dylan scoffs, "I've used that excuse a lot of times with my ex's."

"Your busy meant that you were going to ditch them from some other chick that you wanted to fuck, that's why they're now your ex's, you dumbass. Our busy means that we went searching for supplies which we're in need of."

"Mate, you know that I'm a charmer, girls can't handl--"

"Supplies?" Ed asks interrupting Dylan.

On our way back, me and Nathan decided that we needed a backup plan, something that we could play with and the others would fall for it. A great excuse that the others would obviously understand. So, what a better one than supplies?

We, being the good Samaritans that we are, went to the woods to find food since it's running out. It's the best excuse we could think of because we are indeed lacking food.

We gave them something to worry about instead of focusing their attention on what Nathan and I could have made in the woods.

A big problem requires big solutions.

"Have you checked your backpacks lately? How much food do you have Ed?"

A frown appears on Ed's face "Uhmm, not sure but maybe a few bars a--"

"What else?" I interrupt.

He fixes his eyes on mine for a minute longer than necessary making me chill from head to toe, but I try to remain as calm and unaffected as possible.

"I don't know for sure, it isn't clear." He replies me, crossing his arms over his puffed out chest.

"Well, I know. It's almost empty of food."

"Have you been messing with my things?" He accuses me and takes a threatening step in my direction, and then another. However, my vision of him is blocked when Nathan stands in from of me making a barrier between me and Ed.

"No, she hasn't. She only knows because we're in the same condition. In fact, we're all running out of food." He speaks the last part to everyone, but his eyes remain locked with Ed, if I knew them better I could say that they are having a conversation with their eyes, or are probably eye fighting, but I only saw Ed interact with Nathan the first weeks that I met him.

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