Chapter 32

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Soon enough we are back to the others and we are having dinner, and with dinner I mean eating energetic bars and nuts, the only thing we have. If we don't find food, real food quickly we are going to starve and die, we also have the disadvantage of it being winter, it's cold so the animals are in their homes away from the freezing air or hibernating meaning that we won't have any meat, not that I planned on killing any animal but tough moments call for drastic measures. The snow doesn't allow fruit or plants to grow, on contraire, it burns the grass and whatever it touches because of its cold temperature.

Everyone is chatting about the recent events. These last days have been crazy and visions of the asylum and the members in the woods are still haunting me, and, for some reason I think that I'm forgetting something important. Something or someone? But I don't have a clue of what it could be.

God damn it, I can feel a headache starting to appear, so I get up and say goodbye to the others ready to end the day and pray for the next to be better.

Who am I kidding? The day can't get better while we are here. Stuck and lost.

I slump my back against a pine and let my body fall till my ass hits the ground. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. One thing that I like in this woods is the smell of the trees, it's so fresh and calm, it simply relaxes me to no point and now that I'm tired, the delicious smell is making me sleepy.

When I'm starting to let the darkness engulf me and I'm ready to leave reality I feel my blanket being lift and a body being pressed over mine. Another smell hits me this one more... manly. I turn to look over my shoulder and open one eye only to see Nathan. Somehow, I have changed my position, so now my side is leaned on the tree and Nathan's front is facing my back.

"Were you sleeping?" He whispers.

"No..." I whisper just as softly as him.

"How are you feeling?" He wraps his arm around my waist and brings me closer to him. So close that I can feel the front of his jeans. My mind flashes to my latest conversation with Beth.

I can't believe that she volunteered to give me a razor. C'mon, how embarrassing is that? Well, I obviously don't want to be all hairy for Nathan. I want to sh--

Wait... I'm not going to have sex with Nathan in the woods!

No, no, more important, who said that I would have sex with him?

Stupid dirty mind and stupid Beth!

But he brought condoms with him... Why would he do that? Perhaps he just have a few with him all the time?

Yeah, perhaps.

"Kate? Are you okay?"

"What?" I snap out of my naughty thoughts and realize that Nathan was talking with me.

"You seemed off for a moment there." A frown appears on his features and I notice how cute he looks with it. Oh Jesus Christ!

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it, it wasn't anything special." I send him a smile and hope that he can't see through my lie. What else am I supposed to say? I was just thinking about us having wild sex in the woods. Completely normal.


He doesn't say a thing, he just looks at me. His emerald eyes are boring into mine and they are shinning so bright tonight, and for some reason they seem greener making me lose myself in their beauty. However, they shift to my lips, which are slightly parted. He turns my body with the help of his hand on my hip so I can face him.

"Are you sure?" His face is so close to mine that I can feel his hot breath. Because of his proximity I am only able to nod. He sends me a small smile, but it isn't the one that I love so much, it's a fake one. I'm about to ask him what's wrong when he speaks.

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