Chapter 8

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I'm lying in my hotel bed in my Snoopy pajama and watching television, we arrived to Lisburn not even 2 hours ago. I've already settled my things and I'm ready for our girls' night, which involves marathons of movies, ice cream, a lot of different snacks, and gossips.

I can hear Lucy in the bathroom taking a quick shower just like I did before her, and I know that in 5 minutes Sarah and Beth will be here with us. I'm zapping through the channels trying to find something good to see. Which turns out to be quite a difficult task.

I'm met with the sound of a knock on the door, I stood from the bed, taking my time, knowing that my friends are on the other side.

I open the door and look at a pair of green eyes. And they don't belong to Sarah.

"Are you stalking me?" Those are the first words leaving my mouth.

"Hello, to you too, cupcake."

"Don't call me that. And answer my question." I know that I must have a deep frown on my face by now.

"No. There is your answer." He displays a smirks on his face and I want to whip it out of him.

"Now answer this one, what do you want?"

"Are you in a hurry?"

"Yes, I was going to sleep actually." I'm totally lying but he does not need to know that.

"You are going to sleep at..." He pauses to watch his wrist where I suspect he has a watch "9.30pm?"

What? So early? I think about a quick remark but the only thing that leaves is "Can't a girl have a beauty sleep?"

Smooth, really smooth Kate.

His eyebrows lift obviously surprised with my statement. I'm even surprised with it and I'm the one who said it. My ass must be so jealous of the shit that sometimes leaves my mouth.

"I came here with the intention of asking you something, but since you are so occupied, I will just leave you alone and I will talk with you tomorrow." He turns his back to me and walks down the corridor.

I won't speak.

I won't call him.

I won't be curious.

I won't let my guard down.

I will not.

"Nathan." He stops and looks over his shoulder to me. I'm so weak. "Speak."

He turns around and moves to come to stay in front of me, leaning on the wall opposite of me with his hands in his front pockets. "Eager to know?"

"I would not call it that, more like not wanting to have this conversation with you another time, let's get this over with" I lean against the door frame of my room, knowing perfectly well, that Lucy has most likely already finished her shower.

"The boys and I were thinking after Mr. Smith makes us visit wherever exists here we could go have a lunch on a restaurant, where Ed knows someone that works there and they serve traditional Irish food dishes, that are delicious for what Ed says. And now that we are all such good friends, we thought that we would like you to come with us."

I stop playing with my nails and look at him, is he serious? Good friends?

"The other boys know about that?"

"Duh." Is his only response, he wiggles his eyebrows to me, waiting for my next move.

"You came here to ask me something. That till this moment hasn't happened." I cross my arms over my chest which makes my chest puffs out a bit from the neckline of my pajama. I see Nathan's eyes travel to my boobs and he bites his lip. "My eyes are up here, you perv."

His green orbs lock with my green ones and I notice that his eyes have gained a darker colour. "You want to come? You and the girls?"

I can hear footsteps on the corridor and in seconds I see Sarah and Beth's figure by the corner of my eye. Not looking away from Nathan's gaze I direct my words to the girls. "C'mon, Lucy is waiting inside."

I remember that I still haven't explained to the girls what happened on the bus with Nathan and now this occurs. Only adding more fuel to the fire. I let the girls pass and when they are inside, I close the door, leaving me and Nathan alone on the corridor. Sort of, knowing my best friends like I know they have their ears probably glued to the door.

"We will go if you pay." I say quickly.

The smirk that was on his face the entire time since he knocked on my door disappears and one of my own shows up.

"No way."

"Then no deal. Night Nathan." I turn around ready to call one of the girls to open the door when he interrupts.


My smirk widens, I look over my shoulder to him. "What?"

"I said fine, we will pay the lunch."

"Sorry, I didn't hear you." I'm enjoying this too much for my own good. To empathize my words, I put my hand on my ear and lean forward to give the impression that I haven't heard well.

"So mature." He mumbles under his breath.

"Like I care."

"Oh, now you hear that."

"I'm only deaf when I want to."

"Okay, I'll leave you to rest." He says the word 'rest' while using his fingers as quote marks. His back leaves the wall and exists, before he gets too far I ask. "Why?"

He stops and faces me "Why what?"

"Why would you lose your time and money with us?" He thinks his answer for a minute, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"It's never a bad thing to lose those things for sexy girls." A smirks returns to his face, it is more than obvious that he is hiding the true reason, but I brush it off and let it pass.

He resumes his walk, turning his back to me and before turning the corner that will prevent me from seeing him, he locks his gaze with mine "By the way nice pajama, cupcake. See you tomorrow." That being said he left.

"You bastard!" I scream hoping that he can hear, and sure enough I hear a hoarsely laugh that cause a smile to show up on my face. I shake my head and prepare myself to knock on the door and face my crazy friends with their obnoxious questions.

Knock knock.

Here it goes.

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