Chapter 29

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The vision before me is disturbing, weird and... well, it isn't what I was expecting. At all.

I rub my eyes not really believing in what I'm seeing, maybe the fresh air messed with my head and my synapses have gone crazy and stopped working like they should be.

"What is this?" Dylan asks the 1 billion dollar question.

"I-I don't know." Did Ed just stutter? Oh boy.

In front of us is a big glade, you can see a small amount of grass peaking from under the white snow, you can see the outline of the trees that are circling the glade and now us, but what catches our attention is the huge and abandoned building in the middle.

The large building has gray and yellow walls, it's deteriorating and falling into pieces, you can see some bricks that once were hidden behind the paint. Most of the windows are shattered, broken or have fallen to the ground, from our point we can see some furniture thanks to the bad state of the windows.

"What is this doing here?" Lucy questions.

"Does that matter?" Sarah remarks right way.

"Yes, it does. Explain to me what a building would be doing in the middle of a forest, a haunted one may I add." Dylan interjects quickly.

Questions come after questions and without knowing everyone is trying to come up with their own conclusions, saying what they think we should do, what this is and so on.

I stay quiet. It's not like my opinion is going to matter, at least not now when I'm coming to my own terms, also trying to reason myself and understand where we got ourselves into again.

Cold wind brushes around me and I see the force of it moving one of the windows that is hanging from a single screw threatening to fall.

Why is this here? It's not every day that you see an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere, especially so deep in the woods.

Unless, it was supposed to stay hidden. Whoever built or owned this, wanted it to stay away from curious stares and talkative mouths. There is no other explanation to why this place is here.

But why was it supposed to stay hidden? The other question was easy to answer, this one on the other side is quite difficult.

I tilt my head to the side and evaluate it, it's old, very old and it's in a really bad condition. There are a lot of windows which means that there is an incredibly large number of rooms.

A giddy feeling starts growing from deep inside of me and I take a step forward. I want to see what's inside, I need to see. I know I shouldn't be curious, every time we seek something and adventure in dangerous territory we regret it. It's like a horror movie where you scream at the stupid girl on the screen not to open a door because you know something bad will come of it, yet she still does... and she dies.

Another step.

But maybe our answer to leave is there, maybe there is a way out. Two steps closer to the gray building.

"Kate!" Stop.

I turn to look over my shoulder and see everyone looking at me, "What are you doing?" Nathan takes a step in my direction looking utterly confused.

"I'm going to enter." A gasp is heard, and I suspect that it came from one of the girls, but I never break my gaze with Nathan, yet even he looks surprised with what I said.

"Are you crazy? Why do you want to go in there?" He marches my way and stands right in front of me, he grabs my arm rather tightly not sure if to intimidate and make me not go or to show me that he is worried with the possibility of me going there. I realize it's the second one because now, looking into his eyes I can see worry swimming in it, but you can also see anger in it, which would explain the tight grip he has on me.

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