Chapter 44

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The feeling of being watched is what makes me wake up, I open my eyes and adjust to the small amount of light that is coming from the outside but the only thing I see when my eyes finally open and start to focus is the wall in front of me.

I rub my eyes and then my whole face, I look at the rock that is serving as my pillow – yeah a rock I'm not kidding. I turn to see the blanket around my warm body, and I see an arm over it, surrounding my waist. I move my head slowly, still trying to give orders to my now awaken body, what I see first is a pair of green eyes that were already looking at me before I looked at him.

Well, now I know why I was feeling watched.

"You look like an angel when you sleep. You look so peaceful, like nothing is disturbing or affecting you," He whispers to me never breaking the eye contact.

I remain quiet but with my mouth open. I didn't noticed Nathan coming to 'bed' because I fell asleep as soon as I had that argument with everyone about the berries, I was so tired that when I closed my eyes I fell into a deep sleep and that was probably the reason that I didn't feel him.

Not to say that the last few days we have been in bad terms so he hasn't been sleeping with me, he has been sleeping close and with that I mean falling asleep right in front of me but we slept apart no matter what, and now out of a sudden he is here with me.

And... now... those words. I wasn't expecting today to start like this.

I look at him like a dumb girl, still with mouth open but no words coming out of it. I don't know how to answer him, his words are unbelievable to say the least.

"Morning," Is the only thing that comes to mind, but I just want to slap myself. So many things that I could have said, and I say this. I'm so stupid.

He looks amused at me and I look confused at him. Is he laughing internally because of me acting all idiot?

"What's so funny?" I question him.


"So, you're making fun of me."

"I never said that, I only said that you're funny, which you are." Although I can tell that he's telling the truth, I can also see the twitch at the corner of his lip telling me that he is finding something funny.

"But you enjoyed my killing mood word didn't you? You liked my blond girl moment right?" I see him trying to contain the smile and I know that I nailed it.

"I can't say that I didn't like it," He sends me a mischievous look and I roll my eyes, "How did you sleep?"

"Good, and you?" I wrap the blanket tighter around my body, but Nathan doesn't even try to move his arm, he let it stay put on the place it was before I moved the blanket.

"Better than these last days." He states and I stop my movements and turn to him. He shrugs and sends me a look that says 'it's okay' but I know it isn't, and now I have to explain to him why I acted the way I did.

", I didn't mean to do what I did. Well, it's not that, it's just that I needed to do it, but it wasn't lightly, it w--"

"I know why you did it," He interrupts me mid-sentence, but it doesn't really matter since I was saying nothing productive. What is it with me today and making a fool of myself?

"What do you mean?" I question him, I doubt that he actually understands why I did this.

"You've been really worried lately, especially about Sarah, the stress has been taking a tool of you and you're really tired."

"Yeah, but that isn't the main reason to why I sort of cut you out." He arches his eyebrows probably not expecting me to have another reason, but I do. "When all my emotions are fighting one another and were all over the place I knew that I was going to get grumpy and annoying, I can even get harsh and say things that I don't mean so I isolate myself, I prefer to be left alone. I didn't want to say something to you that would hurt you, I couldn't handle the idea of being the one to break a piece of you."

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