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"Dad, what are they doing here?" I ask quietly pointing at the van with the logo of the security company the Colonel runs: 'The Crowns.' His men leave the vehicle in a hurry and run into the museum through a side door. They're trying to move discreetly so the rest of the guests, that are climbing the staircase guarded by two massive lions of stone leading to the amazing neoclassic building, don't notice the extraordinary deployment of security forces, including Robbins' private security guards and Gotham's police officers.

"I fear Shade keeps an ace up her sleeve so I've decided to bring some reinforcements and besides we're testing a new model of gun with adaptable grip that your stepmother's company will release to the market next month. This way we can kill two birds with one stone." The Colonel smiles at me trying to look calmed despite he's touching his bow tie nervously, I don't know if it's because he's afraid of the thief embarrassing us tonight in front of the whole city and some foreign guests of because he hates wearing a tuxedo and feels uncomfortable right now. Probably the latter since it'll be impossible for Shade to steal a canape from a tray today given that hundreds of eyes will be watching paintings and jewels.

"It's okay, sir, the more the merrier but tell your team leader that he should coordinate with Commissioner Gordon. In addition to police officers, Robbin's guards and now the Crows, there're several bodyguards in the museum that have come with the politicians your wife has invited and, in case an alarm goes off, I'm afraid this is going to be a mess of security forces running in every direction and shooting at everything that moves. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find my date."

"Danielle hasn't come with you?" I shake my head while checking what time it is on my phone and making sure that the hilt of the knife I'm hiding tied to my arm can't be seen under the jacket.

"She's spent the entire evening in the museum taking care of the last details of the exhibition and has barely had time to get dressed. She told me that we were meeting at the front door staircase." I take a deep breath and smile at my father who keeps tugging at his shirt cuffs anxiously. "Everything will be all right, sir. The museum is now a fortress safer than a bank vault and we're going to relax and enjoy this night."

"Fine but do me a favour and don't try to duck out of the party: you're a Kane and you have to contribute to the reputation of this family greeting your share of politicians, no matter how boring they are, making your stepmother happy... the Major too."

"Okay..." I roll my eyes before turning around in order to walk towards the massive staircase decorated with colourful lanterns and big flower arrangements. Catherine Hamilton Kane is really talented when it comes to have a social conversation and my dad tends to leave her in charge of the organization of parties, charities and business dinners, but then he expects me to remain still next to them smiling like a dumb and greeting all those brainless selfish politicians that only care about earning more money. I like my stepmother most of the time, honestly, it's just that I'm not as patient as she is in this kind of situations although I understand how useful the contacts she makes during these parties can be for my dad.

"Bonsoir Kate, I'm late... sorry." Once again she manages to get closer quietly and her kiss on my cheek takes me off guard.

"Don't worry, I've just waited for two minutes and... Wow! Danielle you look... Wow!" My date smiles and blushes while my eyes travel all over her body. Actually, her dress is pretty simple, in a dark green shade, sleeveless and with a not too low V-neck, and has a narrow golden belt that matches her small earrings as an embellishment. However, the cut of the garment adjusts to every curve of her body highlighting her slender figure and the locks that escape from her braided hair frame her face sweetly making her look very young. "You look beautiful... and I love your brooch..." I point at the jewel on her shoulder and she smiles even more.

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