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Punch it, punch it, punch it... It hurts... I don't care... The heavy bag swings in front of me with every push of my knuckles, swollen and covered in bruises... Hit it, hit it... sweat runs down my forehead and makes my skin itch but I never stop. If I stop, I'll think of her... I focus on my pain, when my knuckles bleed I can almost forget about my broken heart. Punch it, harder... Wait, stop... I frown when I hear it, a very annoying noise that brings me back to reality and to sadness... The phone... I know who could it be and I've promised to answer...

"Yes?" I ask with a tired tone of voice after grabbing the device clumsily because my knuckles are swollen and my fingers numb.

"Kate, they're starting to question our official version and excuses..."

My dad seems worried from his office at the Crows' headquarters. He's been working very hard checking the past of Danielle Rosalyn Mallery and keeps her family under close surveillance in France although they don't know that. She told me the truth: a dad obsessed with preserving the property he inherited from his grandfather, a very religious mother, four older brothers, Art College in La Sorbonne... But she left out the part about a professional thief who wanted to retire getting closer to her attracted by her intelligence, her flexibility and agility after long years practicing yoga and her desperate need of money to help her father. When Dani graduated from college, specializing in art market and valuation of art works, the new Shade began her career too stealing a Vermeer that payed the debts of her family.

When she moved to Gotham, did she do it seeking freedom, far away from her brothers and a mother who would threaten her with the fires of hell if she finds out her daughter is a lesbian? Did she start working for Robbins by chance? Or was it part of a very carefully plotted plan in order to ruin my life and the projects I have for this city? One year is a long time, weaving her web like a very patient spider, ready to attack me... I wonder who her boss is... the possibilities are endless.

"It's been almost three weeks, dad, the only surprise is that it took them this long to ask why two of the most important pieces of the exhibition are missing... and fortunately they don't know about Aunt Martha's necklace..."

"A journalist has called me, asked me a ton of awkward questions and I don't have answers... well, yes I have them but I don't want to tell her that. They know we're nervous and hiding something, our competitors are putting pressure on the media because they want to find our weak spot. Your reputation, the family name and your project are crumbling in spite of how hard we're working to keep our heads above the water. It'll start affecting business and the company stocks soon."

"Sir... I don't know what to do... There's no easy way to fix..."

"Your stepmother will hold one of her parties for Gotham's elite society at Hamilton Manor in a few days... You have to be there, we need to present a united front, even your stepsister will be there... Kathy has decided to lend us a Renoir for the museum, it's a beautiful and colourful painting which is also the main piece of her family collection, on the condition that we'll take good care of it and won't let anyone steal it. Luckily, the press will focus on the news and stop asking awkward questions: a picture of our family dressed up and posing in front of the work of art will close their mouths for some more weeks."

"I'll do whatever you want, dad. Have you found anything else?" I ask wearily while walking to the kitchen in order to grab a bottle of water.

"Unfortunately, not. Danielle's family is quiet, locked in their French castle, they don't show in public often although I heard that they've always been discreet so it's not weird. Shade is nowhere to be seen, she hasn't caught a plane to visit them as far as I know, and we didn't find a clue in her apartment of Gotham. It's gorgeous, decorated with exquisite taste, it could be the cover of a magazine... but it's cold, like a theatre stage, lifeless: we only found a small toilet bag and some clothes, the fridge was almost empty... I think you were right and her real den is somewhere else... Besides, there was no sign of plants there and her roses and orchids must be in some kind of greenhouse..."

THE BAT CHASE (Batwoman/Ruby Rose fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now