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Now that the trailer has been released you might notice differences between the TV series and this story. I'm following the comics as much as I can but the CW scriptwriters decided to change some things, apparently. Kate's mum and sister didn't die in Gotham and she never needed her cousin's suit or batcave since her dad provided her with a bunker in the middle of her own apartment, for example. So this is a Batwoman fanfic but not exactly a fanfic about the series. I hope you don't mind.

Somewhere in Gotham City...

"I'm very pleased with your services so far, Miss Shade. Kate Kane seems to be really furious and frustrated..." The blond woman chuckles while petting her cat. "This game is very funny but you must be careful, she's not as dumb as she pretends to be..." The hooded figure fidgets standing close to the window, it's getting dark outside and the buildings lights start to appear like little stars scattered around, but no one has turned on the lights in this living room and only the light of a small lamp falls indirectly on a hand with bright red nail polish while it pets slowly the soft fur of the animal. Diamonds sparkle for a second on the delicate wrist of the lady. "I know, she looks like a spoiled brat but don't let her fool you, do you know she got military training? She was kicked out of the army when she kissed a comrade... Kate is unable to control her libido when pretty girls are involved, I'm afraid. She likes all of them... a real player..."

"Are you sure you want to go ahead with this plan?" The gentle voice echoes against the walls and doesn't show any feelings, except for a bit of boredom maybe, although the sudden question that cut the speech of her boss off could be interpreted as displeasure.

"Yes, of course. I think it's the best plan ever... and Fluffy believes it too." The woman cuddles her cat and seems very pleased with herself.

"It won't be easy to sell that piece if you don't have a buyer interested already..."

"I know..." The blonde answers while extending her arm to take a treat for her cat from a bowl, the precious stones sparkle again under the lamp light. "I don't intend to sell it, thanks to your skills I'll get a good amount of money soon and will be able to pay my debts finally. Nobody will ever know that a member of my family was about going bankrupt, thank God. Mrs. Hamilton-Kane's necklace is an antique and diamonds aren't marked with laser, they'll be easier to sell along with the sapphire brooch... Unfortunately, it'll be more difficult to get rid of Mrs. Wayne's necklace made of yellow diamonds, those stones are too special and unique: I'll draw a lot of unwanted attention if I try to sell them. I'm not going to be that stupid..."

"Why do you want the aquamarine stone then? There're more valuable pieces and works of art that would be easier to steal and sell..." The woman looks up, very annoyed because of her employee's questions, the thief isn't that inquisitive usually.

"But losing those wouldn't hurt Kane that much. That jewels is one of the stars of the collection: an big aquamarine carved with the portrait of a queen of Egypt, the picture of that stone appears on the cover of the exhibition catalogue and TV channels have talked about it... it'll be terribly humiliating for her when it vanishes and it'll be almost impossible for her to hide the fact that it's missing. She's going to be devastated... Kate is mine... to love her but also to destroy her, do you understand? Anyway, her family is doing pretty well managing the situation for now but all those social skills that made her stepmother famous won't be enough to supress the scandal and no matter how much control her father has over the press, he won't be able to stop them from talking about the theft of the aquamarine."

"It might take a little bit longer in this case... they've changed the security protocols inside the museum: I'll need some codes that are kept in the Wayne Tower if I want to open the new state-of-the-art display case..."

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