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"For God's sake, Katherine Rebecca! Have you gone nuts?"

"I'm sorry, Sir..."

"You've jeopardized several months of hard work, they could've killed you, they could've hurt Danielle, Cobalt Blue could decide to get rid of little Michel if he believes I'm getting too close to him, you could have..."

"I'm sorry, Sir..."

"This isn't the way we work, Katherine Rebecca. I know you're used to patrol the city alone, you have a reputation for being a solo vigilante like Batman but we both know that's not entirely true and you need support, I work with you and my Crows and Gordon's officers are your backup even if they're unaware of it... I'm supposed to be able to trust you, this isn't the agreement we reached when I built this bunker and gave you that suit... We're a team and you're a soldier who must trust her comrades... You are not Batman."

"Yes, Sir..." I answer grimacing embarrassed. My dad doesn't know it but even my cousin Bruce was helped by Alfred and Luke's father, I know I can't work alone but sometimes it's easier to do things my way and hear him scolding me later, although I hate when he calls me by my full name.

"Have you seen the bruise on your cheek? That jerk could've hurt you seriously..." My dad growls angrily but I can hear the concern in his tone of voice, I know he's terrified of losing another daughter deep inside and he accepted to help me with this Batwoman job because it was an easy way to keep an eye on me and protect me. I would've gone ahead with my plans anyways, even alone, and he chose to be my sidekick in the shadow because it was the lesser evil, that's why I feel bad every time I break the rules and he catches me... everything is easier when he doesn't know what I'm doing.

"Well, if it's any consolation, mon Colonel, her opponent's face looked worse at the end of the fight." My dad turns around to look at Dani outraged and she smiles sweetly, ignoring my grimace ordering her to shut up: my dad will blow off some steam eventually and we'll be able to keep working, it won't help if she keeps provoking him despite she's always been really respectful and I know he values her and treats her kindly. My girlfriend moves closer to the Colonel without fear although my dad's furious glance managed to make some young and scared recruits to pee on their trousers back in the old days. "Jake, she's been magnifique, always in control of the situation, she fought like a lioness and I've never felt I was in danger while she was by my side... she's smart and decisive, brave and cautious when she needs it. You know she's not that madcap she pretends to be... she's a good soldier despite some little flaws because she's human. You trained her and, if you don't trust her skills, it means you don't trust yourself... is that true?"

"Of course not, I know Kate has worked pretty hard and one day she'll be a perfect Crows Commander..." I blink shocked, I didn't know my dad wanted me to run the business when he retires and I don't think I'm ready to leave my role as vigilante behind: Gotham needs me as much as the city needs the Crows. "I've said one day, Kate, in a distant future... your father still has energy to dance for a few more years, so chill..." The Colonel smiles and I sigh relieved, he's not calling me by my full name and it means the worst is over. "But you can't stop me from worrying about you and I don't like when you lie to me, or you don't tell me all the truth, I understand you don't need my help every day but at least I want to know where you're and what you're up to... I think it's not too much to ask in exchange of my support and all this..." He points around at the bunker and my bike.

"I'm sorry, dad, I understand it..." I frown biting my lip, hesitating because I don't want him to get upset by my questions again, before pointing at my suit with my thumb. "Since we're talking about this... What's it made of? I get the impression that the fabric is able to absorb the impact of punches. Is my stepmother's nanotechnology involved in this?"

THE BAT CHASE (Batwoman/Ruby Rose fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now