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"Why are you laughing? Je ne comprends pas..." I ask confused getting off the bike and taking the helmet off, shaking my head in a futile attempt to fix my messy hair while my girlfriend copies my movements and chuckles.

"It's nothing..." she assures me before taking a look around, it's stopped raining and is getting dark so she's decided to park her bike close to the Amusement Mile but hidden behind some big dumpsters in order to be able to escape if it's necessary. Most of the spectators will leave their cars near Roger's Yacht Basin, according to Kate's reliable contact, and they'll have to walk 10 minutes to arrive to the park entrance where someone will sell us our tickets and tell us where the match will take place.

"I want to know, it seemed a very funny joke..." I insist staring at her suspiciously. My girlfriend puts her arm over my shoulders and starts walking slowly, always monitoring the dark corners in case someone attacks us, towards an old wooden roller coaster that we can see in the distance.

"Dating you feels like going out with two different women," she whispers and I stop abruptly, looking at her in disbelief.

"Look who's talking!" I complain and she hushes me before pushing me so I walk again.

"It's not the same, Dani." My ear tickles because of her breath when she leans closer to whisper. "Batwoman and Kate share certain traits, they're equally badass and sarcastic... whereas you... This morning you looked like a shy bookworm, dressed in a sober shade of grey, with your hair up in a strict governess updo, standing firm on one side of the room while I put the aquamarine stone back to its display case and a dozen of journalists were taking pictures. But right now..." My naughty girlfriend licks her lips and I feel the warmth of her mouth tantalizingly close to my earlobe. "Those tight jeans look so good on you... Your ass is making my mouth water..."

"Kate..." I growl embarrassed looking around, concerned because someone could've heard her, while I blush. My girl chuckles and rubs my back over the leather jacket before walking again. "Do you think this will work? Do you think our enemy is all anxious now that you have brought the aquamarine stone back to the museum?"

"I hope so, my stepmother made sure she invited all her journalist friends and it was on the news today... He must be wondering how we managed to get it back and where's Winter right now, he'll try to call her and my dad is ready to trace the call. Look at that..." Kate points at the park entrance where a big group of people is gathering around two young boys wearing blue shirts... this is the right place, obviously.

We wait our turn playing our roles perfectly. Kate smiles amused and winks boldly when several people recognize her, behaving like a carefree spoiled brat who has escaped from the rich district to visit the underworld and thinks her father's reputation will protect her while I look around shyly but also excited, pretending to be a good girl dragged here by a reckless girlfriend. But actually, we're monitoring the surroundings, checking how many boys and girls are wearing blue shirts, if they carry weapons and how many exits of this park will allow us to escape in case we run into trouble. Kate drops $300 on the hand of a dark-haired guy before he even opens his mouth and he hands us two tickets immediately, he probably thinks my girlfriend has been her before to watch a fight, the truth is that she always behaves pretty confident, like she really knows what's going on here.

"The castle..." the second boy wearing blue shirt tilts his head pointing at the crenelated tower and Kate nods, walking towards the lights as if she doesn't have a care in the world and ignoring the rest of the spectators around us. I shudder slightly and she tenses her arm over my shoulders, moving me closer to her body.

"We're near the river and all this area gets flooded sometimes, that's why it's cold and you feel the humidity in your bones," she explains while we walk past the Ferris wheel and a carousel with peeling paint. "The castle was the old haunted house..."

THE BAT CHASE (Batwoman/Ruby Rose fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now