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"I love you"

"I'm going out now" Lei muttered quietly. "Have fun" I replied trying to crack a smile.

She returned the gesture and left my room. I curled up on my bed, feeling overwhelmed by all the drama that occurred at school that day. I couldn't believe what had just happened. It all happened so fast..

I decided to put on some music while I worked on some assignments I had to finish.

After a few minutes I decided to go raid the kitchen cupboards and stress eat. It wasn't healthy but at that point I didn't care anymore.

I brought a few snacks up to my room, hoping to finish all of my work. However, I was interrupted by light knocking on my window. I made my way to check who was knocking.

I instantly met two hazel sparkling eyes that I fell in love with since the moment I locked mine with them.

I couldn't help but smile at him.

I rolled up my window and allowed Shawn to enter my room.

"I'm home alone, you could've came through the front door"I said quietly avoiding eye contact.

"And where's the fun in that?"he replied making me smile.

Shawn made his way to my bed and made himself comfortable on it. He patted the void on the bed next to him signalling me to go sit near him. I did as I was told and sighed deeply.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier"he started but I had to stop him.

"No Shawn, you have nothing to apologise for. I'm the one that is suppose to apologise. So here it is, I'm sorry Shawn. I'm sorry that you think this is all a game. I'm sorry that you think that I played with your feeling. I'm sorry that you think that I don't like you cause you're wrong, goddamit Shawn I frikin fell in love with you. It breaks my heart to see you broken, because of me. I'm a new person because of you Shawn so thank you for everything" I said trying to catch my breath cause by the end of my monologue I was sobbing heavily.

Shawn decided to join the crying club but decided to speak up eventually.

"Wow, Elle,"

"I was definitely hurt and still am but your words seem genuine and I can't stand the fact that you're not a part of my life, cause I need you Elle. I realised that we bring out the best in each other. And I can't believe I'm saying this but I love you"

We were a mess

I rested my head on his shoulder as silence filled my bedroom.

"What are we going to do Shawn?" I spoke up. He sighed "I can't stay without you Elle" he replied.

I turned to face him, our eyes locked together. Our breaths hitching and our faces only a few inches apart.

"I love you" I mouthed to him and I leaned in to kiss him. Our lips synced together and the thoughts of our first kiss flooded my memories. I was reliving it all again, only this time the kiss was even more meaningful and deep. I lifted up my hand and ran it through his soft locks.

We broke apart and stared at each other until breaking into laughter.

"So this means that we're alright now?"I asked. He nodded smiling. "Promise me no more secrets okay?"Shawn said. I nodded in agreement.

"Now I think someone has to go to work right?" He said smiling cheekily. I huffed realising that the time has passed and my shift was almost up.

"I should be heading home soon as well. Mum is expecting me for dinner" he said.

"Before you go I have something for you"I said handing him my phone.

He gave me a confused look.

"Read the message Shawn"


Island Records:

This song is amazing. The singer and songwriter definitely has unmissable talent. We would like to set up a meeting with him and maybe talk business. Let us know what he thinks and give us an answer as soon as possible

He shut off my phone and looked up to me. His eyes shining with happiness.

"I can't believe this" he mutterd.

"Congratulations Shawn. Please take up the offer you're an amazing singer and you deserve this" I replied.

"I'll  think about it. Now go, you're going to be late"


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