How You Meet

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Corey Taylor:

You are a shy girl as you also are a victim of domestic abuse from your boyfriend. Your boyfriend keeps on hitting you constantly to the point that he gave you a coma and even a few black eyes. You covered your face with makeup to hide the bruises as you are now at a Slipknot concert with a VIP pass around your neck to meet the group. As the group came onstage, you started to mosh in the pit with the other fans as they performed their famous songs Before I Forget, Pulse Of The Maggots and many more. As you went backstage, you begin to see the group signing some merchandise and you felt butterflies into your stomach as you extremely nervous but also excited. The lead singer of the group noticed you and came over with a smile.

"Hello miss. You know who I am?" The guy asked

"Y-You're Corey Taylor!! N-Number 8!" You said

"Pleasure to meet a fellow maggot fan." Corey Taylor chuckled

"I'm Y/N L/N." You said

"Nice name. Would you like an autograph?" Corey Taylor asked

"Yes please!" You said with excitement

You gave Corey Taylor a Slipknot shirt as he autographed it with his number on it as you begin to feel happy that you meet your favorite band member.

Mick Thomson:

You are at the guitar place as you are going to get a new electric guitar since your parents destroyed it as they think rock music is satanic as they are religious. You are looking for a guitar until you saw the rhythm guitarist Mick Thomson finding some guitar strings. You gasped with pure shock as you are wondering how is your favorite idol in the store. You begin to find an electric guitar which is a nice F/C with the word 'LOVE' in white. You went over to the cashier as Mick noticed and came over.

"Hello." Mick said

"H-Hi.. I-I'm a huge fan of your work!" You said

"Really? Well it's pleasant to meet a fan. You know who I am?" Mick asked

"Number 7 Mick Thomson. You are the rhythm guitarist of the group Slipknot!" You said

"What's your name?" Mick asked

"Y/N L/N." You said

"Well it's nice meeting you Y/N." Mick said

He shook your hand and begin to leave as you begin to lay the guitar and left with happiness that you met Mick Thomson.

Jared Leto:

You are apart of a group as you played the vocalist as you are on concert. You begin to close your eyes with the group and pray as you begin to smile and grabbed the microphone. You got onstage with the group and started to perform your favorite song Hit Me With Your Best Shot as the crowd jumped with excitement. As you are finished, you thanked them and leave as you smile softly.

"That was AWESOME!!!" The guitarist smiled

"Yeah that was fantastic! We all did great!" You smiled

You then stopped as you saw Jared Leto approaching to you as butterflies came in your stomach. You started to sweat as he let out a kind and caring smile on his face.

"You did excellent onstage. Name's.." Jared said

"Jared Leto! You are from the group 30 Seconds To Mars! Man oh man I love your music!" You said

Jared chuckled and begin to look at your attire which is a punk attire. He begin to pat your head as you giggled as you told him your name. He then went onstage with the group as you smiled as you just meet Jared Leto.

Band Member Boyfriend and Girlfriend ScenarioWhere stories live. Discover now