Where They Take You For Vacation

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Corey Taylor:

Corey takes you to the Bahamas for a nice vacation away from the fame to spend some quality time with you. You smiled as you swim with the dolphins, surf with Corey, dance at a club and even star gaze at nighttime.

Mick Thomson:

Mick decided to take you to Australia as you smiled as you enjoyed the vacation with him as you see a bunch of kangaroos. You then went to a water park with Mick and even went to the dessert place to have some pavlova. You smiled as you enjoyed your vacation.

Shawn Crahan:

Shawn took you to Des Moines, Iowa as you smiled and adore the area. You did went to the state park with him and enjoyed every single ride with him. He then smile at you as he begin to take you to his home as you see his kids Gage, Alexandria and Simon as you begin to introduce yourself to them as they welcome you to the family as you giggled and laughed. He then brought you over to the cemetery as his happiness turns into sadness as you saw the gravesite for his daughter Gabrielle Maxine Crahan as he started to tear up. You hugged him close and he hugged you back gently. Even though you have a nice vacation, you felt very sad that he lost his daughter.

Jonathan Davis:

For a vacation, Jonathan takes you to Thailand for a vacation away from the band as you smiled softly. You tried some Thai cuisines and even learned their language as Jonathan did the same with the smile. you smiled as you went to the beach with him and even see plenty of museums. You have a nice vacation with him

Jared Leto:

Jared decided to take you to New York City as you adore the place for a vacation. You begin to go to do some shopping with him and even went to comic con dressed up as Harley Quinn as Jared dressed up as the Joker as fans adore him dressing up like that. You smiled as you enjoyed your vacation.

Bert McCracken:

Bert decided to take you to do some camping for a nice vacation. You smiled as you already pitched the tent as Bert got out some wood and make a fire. You smiled as you place the food down on the rack as he smiled softly and spray some bug spray on his skin as you smiled and open up the foil packets as it is ham and cheese sandwiches. Bert smiles as he eat his sandwich and drink some water as you also did the same.

"My love, these sandwiches are good." Bert said

"That's not the only thing we're having." You giggled

You took out a s'mores kit as Bert giggled happily on how much he loved s'mores. You smiled and roasted two marshmallows as he did the same and put them on the graham crackers. At night, you begin to stargaze with him while eating the s'mores as you enjoyed your vacation.

David Draiman:

David decided to take you to Asia for a nice vacation as you smiled at the places. You went to Nepal for a nice tour, Vietnam for a nice shopping spree to try on different outfits and even Cambodia to hear some creepy urban legends. You were supposed to go to Sri Lanka but you heard about the bombing that killed plenty of people as you helped by donating some money as David did the same. You have a nice vacation with him.

Chester Bennington:

Chester decided to take you to Disneyland for a vacation as you smiled at him. You went to many rides and even take pictures with your favorite mascots. For lunch, you got yourself a sweet and spicy chicken waffle as Chester got some poutine. You smiled softly as you enjoy your vacation with Chester Bennington.

Bill Kaulitz:

Bill wants you to feel better from the abuse you deal with your mom as he decided to take you to Germany for a nice vacation. You smiled as he took you over to meet his parents Simone and Gordon which made you feel happy. Not only did you went to the beach with him, he even took you to the amusement park to go on rides with him as you felt very happy.  You love your vacation with Bill.

Freddie Mercury:

Freddie decided to take you to Tokyo, Japan for a nice vacation. You smiled softly as you adore the beautiful place. You learned Japanese language as Freddie begin to hold your hand as the Japanese people felt happy about your relationship. You even explored the museums and artwork as you respected Japanese culture. At night, you heard about the Suicide Forest and felt bad for the victims as one even told you what Logan Paul did which made you feel angry as Freddie also thought that it was disrespectful. You have a nice vacation with him.

Amy Lee:

After a long tour, Amy decided to take you to the beach to have a wonderful time with her. You begin to play in the water with her and even build a few sandcastles. For lunch, you begin to go to the food truck for waffles for dessert as you got a Reese's waffle as Amy Lee got some waffles with honey and berries. You smiled as you enjoy your vacation with her.

Hayley Williams:

Hayley smiles as she decided to take you to California for vacation as you adore the place. You went to the spa with her to get a few massages and even go to the beach with her. You smiled as Hayley carried you to the flower garden and build a flower crown with her. You love your vacation with Hayley and never want it to end.

Lacey Sturm:

Lacey decided to take you to a boardwalk as a vacation as you smiled and enjoy it. You begin to roller skate with her as the employees don't mind and you even ate some food with her. At night, you begin to watch the sunset as you enjoyed your vacation.

Korey Cooper:

Korey decided to take you to Europe for a nice vacation with her and the group which you didn't mind at all. You begin to see plenty of museums and even tried some European foods. You smiled as you adore the vacation with her.

Carla Harvey and Heidi Shepherd:

Both Carla and Heidi decided to take you to London, England for a vacation as you smile and enjoy the vacation with them. Not only you went to see museums, you also decided to meet the queen as you showed respect to the royal family as the front women did the same. You smiled as you have dinner at Gordon's restaurant as the girls smiled softly as you have the best vacation with them.

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