When They Make Up With You

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Corey Taylor:

You are now alone by yourself as your boyfriend just cheated on you with an adult porn star as you are now eating some ice cream while watching a sad movie called Titanic. You begin to think about the love of your life Corey Taylor as you turn off the movie until you heard the door knocked. You came over and answer to see Craig Jones with Sid Wilson.

"What is it g.." You said

"Corey Taylor needs you." Sid said

"No thanks.. not in the mood." You sighed

"It's very important." Sid said

"I said no Sid." You said

You were about to close the door until Sid carries you upstairs and switched you into a nice outfit and he then carried you outside as you begin to growl.

"Where are you taking me?!" You growled

"No time!" Sid said

As Craig carefully set you down backstage at the arena, you begin to look down as you see Corey Taylor with the group as Corey begin to sing the song Snuff as you begin to observe him.

"Bury all your secrets in my skin
Come away with innocence and leave me with my sins
The air around me still feels like a cage
And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again

So if you love me let me go
And run away before I know
My heart is just too dark to care
I can't destroy what isn't there

Deliver me into my fate
If I'm alone I cannot hate
I don't deserve to have you
Ooh, my smile is taken long ago
If I can change I hope I never know." Corey sang

You begin to look as the spotlight aimed on you as you went onstage and sit down as Corey continues to sing the song as the rest of Slipknot begin to play their part of the song as you begin to observe them performing. After the performance, the crowd cheered as Corey hold your hand.

"I'm sorry for hurting you like this. Please take me back." Corey Taylor said

You forgave him as he hugged you as the crowd cheered more as you nuzzle into his chest.

Mick Thomson:

Your parents have pulled you out of the goth club as you got on a gothic appearance as your parents tied you up to the pentagram at a tent as your mom brought a few friends. They all begin to chant as you begin to look around and groaned.

"I'm not the devil! I'm your daughter." You said

"The daughter is the sin of the devil. Her goth appearance, devil filled music and her friends are satanic." Your mom said

The cult begin to chant as you see a few members of Slipknot as one of them is Mick as the others are Corey Taylor, Shawn Crahan and even Jay Weinberg. Corey came over and untie you up as Mick picked you up and begin to carry you away from your parents and into the tour bus. You look as Mick got a bit of tears streaming down his face and he hugged you as he keep saying sorry over and over again. You begin to kiss his lips as you forgave him and he smiled at you.

Jared Leto:


Jonathan Davis:


Shawn Crahan:

You are now with the actor at the Blood Manor maze as he's making out with you as you pulled away and he begin to rub your chest as you gently pushed his hands away.

"No. You can't do that." You said

"Aww why not?" The actor smirked

"Because I will notify your boss." You said

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