Chapter 1

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"Humph...humph...ughh...I need a drink..." I say out of breath, making my way towards a bar.

Killing demons are a normal thing now especially for my family. I am a very powerful huntress, my family name is Locke. We killed vampires and demons alongside another family...the Belmont's. Day by day I try to prove myself to my family that I'm no outcast because of what I am. I was a dhampir...half human and vampire. My mother was sent on a mission and she fell in love with a vampire, eventually I was born but the sad part was that the rest of my family found my mother...they killed her and the vampire.
I walked in a tavern and looked around.

"Ale,please." I said.

"What's a lovely lady like you doin over here?"

"I'm not so lovely, just get me ale. It's been a long night." I said in an attitude.

He huffed and gave me a mug of ale. I grabbed it and sat at a table across a man. Then a boy ran in yelling.

"Ale for Christ sake!"

Then the talk about the houses.

"It all comes down to the houses. The great houses of Gresit. Vlad Dracula? An old family. The capital? All run by the houses. And they aren't even the worst. The Belmont's? We should have killed all the Belmont's. Oh and the Locke's, those families should perish."

I looked over at the man across from me

"Shit"he quietly said.

I silently got up and sat in front of him.

"You're a Belmont aren't you?" I say quietly.

"Hm? Yeah...Trevor, shhh."

"It's all about these old families, like the Belmont's and Locke's, who control all the power and go to war with each other. And who's caught in the middle?" Bosha continued to speak.

"We are." The tall man said.

"We are! Because we don't matter. Do you know why? Where'd you come from?"

"Well out of your aunt, according to you."

"You came from shit! I came from shit! We all came from shit. We just work for a living every day of our lives. We just keep those bastards in food and wool. Slaves! That's what we are. Slaves to great old families and their games."
Bosha continued on and on.

Trevor got up to the front.

"Sorry. Can I get my ale? It's just that I think I'm sobering up." Trevor said.

"Alright. Alright. Me want to see some coin from ya." The bartender said.

I got up to the front and grabbed my money as Trevor fumbles around.

"To cover both of us." I said.

"Hey, what on your chest? The both of you."

" shirt." Trevor said.

"My blouse." I said.

"Just one more tankard, eh? Something to keep me warm while I find a tree to sleep under." Trevor says in a drunken manner.

"That's a family crest. I know it."

"I don't. Just one more drink for me...and the lady and then we'll leave, all right?"

"We'll?" I questioned.

"That's a Belmont crest. You! That's a Locke crest."

"Really?" Trevor asked. I stayed behind Trevor.

(When Trevor said Really? I was like woah! That voice! Mmmmmmm yes!)

"Look, here's the money." I said giving him my pouch.

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