Chapter 14

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Raven Pov

It's been days, maybe even months, possibly years. It's so hard to tell. Alucard and I may have each other but it still gets lonely in the castle. One way we try to liven things up is when we go outside. We hang out, catch some food, instead of drinking blood all the time. Of course, every once and a while we must have it.

I wore a white dress with yellow trim...the same one that was left in the bathroom. Alucard was in the kitchen cooking something. It smelled wonderful. I walked down the stairs and walked into the kitchen to meet my partner.

Oh how I loved him so.

I walked up from behind him and hugged him from behind, laying my head in his back.

"Lunch is almost ready, my love. Can you grab the wine for us?" Alucard asked.

I gave a low hum and kissed his back, which was covered with his shirt. Before I left to grab the wine, I gave him a small squeeze. He gave a chuckle and turned around. Alucard's smile brought a warm feeling in my heart and stomach. I tried to pull away to get the wine, but Alucard quickly warps his arms around me and pull me closer. He leaned down and kissed me on the lips. I leaned in and deepened the kiss.

The kiss was going on too long and Alucard wasn't helping. He licked my lips and I gave him permission. He chuckled as he began to make out. I pushed him away.

"Alucard...the wine." I reminded.

"One more kiss...please." He pleaded.

I gave him a playful glare.

"Not until after lunch." I smirked.

He gave a low growl.

"Nnn...fine, as you wish, my love." He says.

"Be back soon." He continued.

I giggled and began to walk to the window cellar. It was clearly messy. We had yet to clean this place. Bottles after bottles, that were either broken or empty. Until I found one that was full and unbroken. I grabbed the bottle and made my way back to the kitchen. Alucard already set up the plates and wine glasses. I put the bottle on the table and Alucard stood in front of me, puckering his lips. I grabbed the fish from his plate and made him kiss it.

Alucard opened his eyes and looked disgusting.

"Raven..."Alucard whined.

"What? You're making Mr.Fishy here sad. I think he likes you." I joked.

He snatched the fish from my hand and put it back on his plate. He looked sad. As he sat down I gave him a kiss in the cheek.

"Don't look so glum...I did say after lunch." I say, sitting down.

"Can I have you for dinner...and dessert..?" Alucard smirked.

"Only if I can be in control.." I say, seductively.

Alucard gave a breathy moan.

"Oh most certainly." He said.

I gave a short nod and began to eat the food my beloved made. Alucard began to follow suit and ate his food happily. He was like a child. Acting all cute when gets something he wants.

I loved it. I loved the way he acts. I love the way he always makes me smile. I love him. But if something were to happen, which I hope nothing does, I think...I might go crazy.

The dining table was quiet but not a bad quiet. Alucard our his hand out on the table. I smiled and put my hand over his. He stood up from his chair and grabbed his plate and put it next to me. I grabbed his glass and set it next to his plate.

"Better?" I asked.

"As long as I'm close to you, then great. More then great. Fantastic!" Alucard said with a big smile and blush on his cheeks.

I giggled and held his hand again but tighter, not wanting to let it go. Or him go.

"I love you, you know that?" I asked.

"I love you too, so much." He said.

He raised my hand and kissed it. We both finished our meals so I grabbed our plates and glasses and threw out the fish bones. Then I brought the plates to the sink and began to clean them. That's how our system works. If Alucard cooks, I clean, and if I cook, he cleans.

I grabbed the soap and rag and begun to wash the dirty dishes. Once I was done, I set them to dry and put away the rag. Alucard had grabbed my hand and dragged me away from the kitchen.

"Alucard, where are we going? It's not dinner yet. We just finished lunch." I said.

"We are going on a date." Alucard said firmly.

"Really? Where?" I asked.

"Outside. It's a beautiful sunset. We could...sit by the river and cuddle...?" Alucard said, practically asking.

I laughed and squeezed his hand.

"Okay, let's go cuddle outside." I say.

Alucard smirked and kissed my cheek. He then began to pull me to where the river was. Near the river was a big boulder. He wrapped his arm around my waist and jumped up, landing on the boulder.

The sun was setting and it created a beautiful view, the sky was a mix of purple, yellow, orange, was magical. I leaned my head onto Alucard's chest.

We stayed there until the moon began to show itself. Once the moon began to show, Alucard turned to me and gave a mischievous smile. As much as I love him, I would just love to give him a challenge.

"A challenge." I say.


"You can have me for dinner and dessert...if you catch me." I say, with a smirk.

Alucard gave a playful groan and tilted his head, he closed his eyes and began to smile.

"You have a 10 second head start and before I start the countdown...just know...I will catch you, I will always have you."

I smiled and kissed him on the check.

"I'm always start counting." I say before running off.

"10..." I heard him begin.

I honestly don't even know where to hide. He knows his castle like the back of his hand so I'll hide in the Belmont Trove. So instead of using the makeshift elevator Alucard and I built, I jumped all the way down. Then I hid beneath the stairs and in the shadows.

After a while, there was still no sign of Alucard anywhere. I was about to leave my hiding place until something wrapped around my waist. Then something warm and wet liked the rim of my ear

"I found you my beloved."

I know that voice. Alucard.

Alucard lifted me up and cradled me in his arms. I turned to look at him and he was smiling like an idiot, his fangs showing.

"Sooo...I believe it's time for my dinner."


If this was apart of the show this would be considered a filler. Any who with all this COVID-19 stuff I'm not really feeling inspired.

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