Be Mine

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Names were being called quick and it came to the last two. "Hello, my name is Kim Taehyung!" Tae smiled and Jimin felt his heart thump in his chest, 'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK.' Jimin kept thinking before Tae nudged his shoulder, making Jimin snap out of his thoughts, "H─Hello..! My name is Park.. Jimin.." He accidentally stuttered, 'You had one job─' He kept looking down at his desk cause of his face that was beginning to turn slowly red.

Yoongi smirked lightly at Jimin. 'This will be a bit fun..'

Now we continue on 'My Little Student'

"Anyways, since I want to have a bit of a free day for myself and get prepared, y'all will receive a free day. Don't expect me to be nice everyday and give y'all this privilege, I'm only being nice today since I wanna go easy and get prepared." Yoongi said and glanced around the class before his eyes landed on Jimin once again, he couldn't leave his eyes off him, "Jimin~~" Taehyung kept whispering and nudging him softly. "Shut up, shut up, shut up.." Jimin kept whisper yelling at him, wanting to slap his shoulder. Yoongi sighed and shaked his head, going back to what he was saying. "Now, do whatever you want if theres any problems or questions then come to me,"
Its only been 20 minutes since they were in class, the whole classroom was filled with chats from others. Some were heard clearly or not. Jimin and Taehyung were doing their usual, but Taehyung was acting strange towards Jimin. "Jimin, c'mon~ It will be a simple thing to do, just─", "No, Taehyung.. I'm not trying to do anything to get him to notice me and you know I can't deal with someone that hot okay─?" Jimin started trailing off his words.

"I can see you two be together though~" Tae tried, "Taehyung..." Jimin begged, "Ah, the kissing, hugging." Tae did the motions and smiled sheepishly, "Taehyung.." Jimin was on the last straw, "That will be amazing t-" Jimin cut him off, "TAEHYUNG PLEASE SHUT UP!" Jimin accidentally yelled, he gasped and covered his mouth. Everyone became silent and turned to him, he looked down. He covered his cheeks that were blushing in embarrassment, the older male huffed, "Mr.Park, a word outside please." Yoongi said and got up from his desk, waiting by the door for Jimin to get up and out of his seat, "Great.. Taehyung this is your fault.." Jimin got up from his desk and flicked the other's head, "Ow─!" Tae chuckled as he wacthed the other walk up to the teacher and outside into the halls.

Yoongi closed the door behind him. Jimin was fidgeting with the strap sleeves of the overalls. "Mr.Park, why did you cause a disturbance? I'm trying to focus on some work I need to do," Jimin looked to the side, he felt so bad, "Well um─um.." Jimin couldn't come up with the right words, he just kept stuttering. "T─Taehyung kept teasing me.." Jimin said, Yoongi raised a brow at him, "Well, its unnecessary to yell, but what did he tease you about specifically?" Yoongi looked at him, which made Jimin look down to not make eye contact with the elder male, "U─Umm.."

'Should I even say it..? I don't want to look creepy or weird to be liking a teacher like him.. I'm only 19 and he could be in his thirties.. I don't even know!'

Jimin thought about it and sighed deeply. 'I'll regret this..' Jimin inhaled and exhaled, he pulled up his big boy pants, "He kept teasing a─about.. Me l─liking you.." Jimin already thought that Yoongi would think the other way around or just give that disgust look, Yoongi let out a hefty sigh, "Meet me tomorrow in my class after school, please. That's all, you can be with your friend." Yoongi walked back into the class, leaving Jimin out there baffled.

'Wait what..? TOMORROW?!'
"GET AWAY FROM ME NAMJOON!" Jimin begged to let Namjoon go of him, It was now lunchtime and that was the time where Jimin hated the most cause there's time from Namjoon's group to tease and play with him for half an hour, "Aw~ Is the little doll not following our demands?" Namjoon leaned in closer to Jimin. The other tried to pull away and escape from his grasp, but he was too weak, his body was really fragile and there was really not much muscle was on him. Namjoon was way stronger in comparison.

"HEY!" A male voice echoed the cafeteria room, the whole room went silent and everyone turned their heads to the source of the voice, "Shit.." Namjoon mumbled and immediately let go, "Now, detention for all of you after school, meet in my classroom. If none of y'all are there, then expect a phone call." The whole group stomped out of the cafeteria, grumbling words, "You alright..?", "U─Um.. Yes.. M─Mr.Min.."

[A/N] ;) Imagine what Namjoon would've done if Mr.Min didn't come in :-)

UPDATE [A/N] ngl,, once i reread these chapters i'm like:: holy shit. i did that- cause of course,, me as a author,, forgets what each chapter is about so i'm just 😳 Jimin being baffled HAHAHAG

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