Wedding Day [Finale]

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A/N: this is it! the finale. i have had this book for a year and i've appreciated every second of making this, even though during it, i wasn't able to update for awhile cause of my health and family issues and i'm truly sorry for that, i should've updated everyone on it earlier than just a few months later. but yes, i wanna do a like q/a for this story and for future stuff so, you don't have to do this but leave some questions for me down in the comments and i'll answer them! tysm for supporting me and the story i love y'all :3

today's my bday as well :D so say happy bday if you want to the comments :) OK I LOVE Y'ALL GN

btw, there's smut so ;)

Previously on 'My Little Student'

"Me and Yoongi are getting married, and um— will you be able to come and along with uhm— Esther?" There was silence, a long period of silence and that just made the boy more anxious. A sigh was heard, "We'll come, I can never say no to my son' wedding." Jimin was in tears, "Thank you—" His voice cracked, "I guess I'll see you there.", "Yeah." Then they said their goodbyes and the call ended.

Now we continue.

Time skip to a month later, October 23rd, 2020

It was it. The wedding day. Everything was set up, and the two boys getting ready while everyone arrives slowly. Taehyung was with them as well just helping Jimin to calm down and get him ready. He was so excited to see him, he was so jumpy and giggly that Tae had to calm him down so that Jimin could be ready in time. Yoongi was very anxious but excited, it was gonna be a good day, only for them. He reassured himself a few times before heading out and outside, waiting for Jimin. He was just waiting for that beauty to walk down the path and up to him, holding hands as they say "I do.", placing the rings on each of their fingers before sealing it with a kiss while everyone in awe or clapping.

It was time, a old man walked up the steps and stood next to Yoongi, flipping through a book and stopping as everyone waited for Jimin. Yoongi looked around at everyone who was here, Jimin' mother and sister were in front as Yoongi' parents, grandparents and siblings were sitting in front as well. Yoongi was anxious, you could tell by the sweat dripping down his face and then boom, Jimin was there and heading down the path as Tae was behind him putting flowers down. The smaller male stepped up the stairs and stood in front of Yoongi, the male grabbed his hands. Just holding his tiny, soft hand and looking at his love made everything better, "You look beautiful baby." Yoongi was already almost in tears, Jimin just smiled and giggled then it was started, "Mr. Min, will you take Jimin to be your husband?" The man asked as he looked at Yoongi, he nodded, "I do." The man looked at Jimin, "Mr. Park, will you take Yoongi to be your husband?" Jimin nodded as well, "I do." They both couldn't stop smiling, Tae brought the rings over and the two each grabbed one. Yoongi grabbed Jimin' hand, slipping the ring on his finger and Jimin did the same, "Mr. Min and Mr. Park, I pronounce you as husband and husband, you may now kiss the bride." Then it was sealed with a kiss as hot tears fell down their cheeks as faint whistles and claps and in the distance the sun was setting perfectly.

It was the end of the day, came home late and a bit tipsy but still kinda in reality. Jimin was getting undressed in the room and Yoongi walked in, "Hey baby, where's my towel—?" He looked at Jimin was basically half naked and taking off the button up shirt, "Hm? Oh it's over hanging on the do—" He was cut off once he was pushed on the bed, "Yoongi—?" Jimin did think they were gonna do it, it's been awhile since they did it. Yoongi placed his lips hungrily onto Jimin' and he immediately kissed back, his body shifting under Yoongi'. They were desperate for touch, so they grinded against eachother and kept placing their hands everywhere, Yoongi took off Jimin' shirt and threw it aside before turning him around to lay on his stomach, his ass full in view, "Oh, have I missed seeing your ass all placed out for me..~ You look so good for me princess." Yoongi slapped his ass harshly, making Jimin yelp in pain and the hand print starting to show up.
Yoongi threw his shirt off and aside, along with his pants and boxers, he decided to tease him a bit by aligning his dick against his hole as he just put the tip in and take it out, leaving the other whine and lift his ass up a bit. He was basically asking for it with no prep, "You just want me to go in baby?" Yoongi asked as Jimin nodded in response, "Tell me when it hurts." Yes, Yoongi can be harsh but is always reassuring with Jimin. He lined it up again, took a few times before it slipped in, making Jimin shriek and twitch. Yoongi started thrusting slow after a minute or so for the other to adjust, Jimin was getting desperate, "Go faster~!" He begged as the older chuckled, "Ah, already getting desperate baby~?" He leaned over Jimin' body, grabbing a hold of his chin to force Jimin to look at him before he started going faster, slaps against their skin filled the room and moans and grunts as well. Jimin was enjoying it, gripping onto the sheets for dear life until Yoongi hit a spot and made him gasp, "Right there~!" He moaned as Yoongi thrusted hard and fast into that spot, making the younger just be a mess, "I—I'm—!" He couldn't finish his sentence and he came. Yoongi huffed, "You came without my permission baby." Welp Jimin is fucked.

It was— maybe hours later, they lost track of time, "Y—Yoongi please..! I can't cum anymore!" Jimin had a vibrator being controlled by Yoongi as he watched, he was jerking off as well so some of Jimin' own cum and Yoongi' was everywhere on his body and face, "You can last it one more time baby, you're doing good.." The volume was raised to probably the highest level, Jimin arched his back, his toes curling up as his body shook, "Yoongi!" Yoongi was going faster and faster till they both came, at the exact time. Jimin was panting heavily, the last thing he saw was light and passed out.

It was the next morning and Jimin woke up, not seeing Yoongi anywhere. He tried getting up but everything hurt badly. At least he was cleaned off, Yoongi came in with breakfast, "Good morning, Kitten." He chuckled and kissed his forehead as he set the plate down and drink for Jimin, "Thanks baby," He smiled, "Anything for my precious." Yoongi sat down in front of him, "Are you alright from last night? Sorry I over did it." Yoongi chuckled, Jimin chuckled along, "I'm fine, just sore is all." The other nodded before grabbing Jimin' hand and placing a kiss on his palm before going up his arm then up to his lips. Jimin cupped Yoongi' cheek as the light sunlight entered the blinds and hit their bodies.
"I love you, Jimin."
"I love you too, Yoongi."

Final of My Little Student.

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