My Boy.

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Previously on 'My Little Student'

The bell rang a few minutes later. Everyone packed their things and left thr class. Jimin was left alone, packing his things, "U─Um... Mr.Min..?" Jimin said, "Yes Jimin?" Yoongi went up to his desk, "I─I kind of need help.. O─On the paper we did.. I was having troubles.." Jimin slung his bag over his shoulder, "Alright, just meet me here like I said, okay?", "Okay.."

Now we continue

It was already the end of the day, Jimin texted Tae as he walked to Yoongi's classroom

Best Boi Tae ❤
Just stay calm Jimin \(;'□`)/

Pastel Cutie ☁️
I can't (┳Д┳) being with a teacher that you have a crush on is bad enough

Best Boi Tae ❤
Jimin, I'm sorry I couldn't come today but just relax and stay calm, Imma get some rest.

Pastel Cutie ☁️
Ok.. Fine.

Jimin inhaled and exhaled deeply. He arrived at the front door, he hesitated his hand to raise up and knock, "Come in." A voice in the room spoke and Jimin walked in, closing the door behind him, "Hello, Mr.Park." Yoongi smirked lightly making Jimin feel his heart burst outta his chest and goosebumps forming all over his body, "Sit down and we'll get started." Yoongi patted a seat near him, Jimin nodded and sat down next to him.

He could smell his cologne, It was a tinging scent of vanilla mixed with some axe. Jimin was slowly started to lose it with this man he didn't believe someone like him exist, "Anyways, lets get started shall we hm?" Yoongi asked, "O─Oh.. Yeah.."
"I'm s─sorry I don't get it still.." Jimin covered his face. Its been half an hour and he was dying internally. Looking at Yoongi's hand drift around the paper made Jimin blush intensely, just everything about the other made him distracted, Yoongi almost making eye contact EVERYTIME and touching hands, "Its fine Jimin, not a lot of people get it. He felt his hands uncover his face. Yoongi was REALLY close to his face, leaving only centimeters away, "M─Mr.Min what are y─!" His question was cut off by soft lips going onto his own.

He was burning up, 'WHAT DO I DO?!' Jimin was (gay) panicking. Yoongi was making the kiss deeper and deeper by the second, it was going too fast but Jimin enjoyed it and just decided to kiss back. It was a regret.

Yoongi pulled Jimin into his lap, traling his hands down to his exposed thigh. Yoongi pulled away, moving his lips to Jimin's neck, "Mm.. Where's your weak spot..?~" Yoongi kissed all over Jimin's neck. Once the other reached his jaw, Jimin moaned softly. He found one of them, Yoongi started sucking hungrily on that spot, "M─Mr.Min.." Jimin moaned his name, gripping the older's broad shoulders. The sound of something being slapped was only heard, Jimin yelped in pain as Yoongi slapped his thigh and gripped on it.

Yoongi pulled away panting, "Your my boy got it?" He whispered into Jimin's ear, "G─Got it.." Jimin said and looked down, "I wish I could get rid of Namjoon and his group.. But all I can do is give detentions.." A hefty sigh came out of the other's lips, "But I don't want you getting involved and interrupting your teaching.." Yoongi glared at Jimin, 'Oh no..'

"You don't talk back to me." Yoongi slammed Jimin up against the wall, making the younger gasp. Jimin gulped nervously as he looked into Yoongi's gaze, "I don't care about me teaching, I only care for you. You are really fragile and can get hurt easily just cause of those fucks that treat you like a toy.", "Yoon-" Yoongi cut him off, "Jimin, please." Jimin stayed quiet for a moment, "O-Ok.. I understand." Yoongi made the other look at him, gripping his chin, "Good boy."
Jimin was walking home by himself, thinking about the events that happened earlier, 'I can't believe it.. My teacher just kissed me.' He kept overthinking it until he got home, he opened the door before yelling, "I'm home!" Jimin closed the door behind him, "There you are! Where were you?!" His mom was checking to make sure he was ok, "Mom, I'm-" His mom found a mark on the boy's neck, "Where did this hickey come from?"

[A/N] ;))

UPDATE [A/N] ahem,, i hate the homophobia 😔 but we need drama 😤

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