My World Belongs To You (3/3)

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Previously On 'My Little Student'

'Is Yoongi gonna be disappointed? Or..' It was like Jimin and Tae were already in a relationship after Jimin figured out that Yoongi had a wife. He's so dumb for not notcing that stupid thing. "Yoongi... I'm sorry..." Jimin sobbed.

Now we continue

It was already the next day, no school day at all. It was a relief for Jimin cause he doesn't have to even see Yoongi for two days. The only thing that was on Jimin's mind was Taehyung and him going to the movies later. "JIMIN!" Oh great.. "What..?", "Where's mom?", "She went to work early today.", "Oh well, can I have friends over please..?" Kiko begged which made Jimin roll his eyes. "Fine, but don't go anywhere or make an noise.", "THANK YOU!" Kiko hugged him tightly before knocking was heard at the front door. "Hm? Did you already invite them over before hand?", "N-No.."

Jimin went to the front door and opened it before he was met again with someone he never knew he was gonna face again, "Jimin..", "Yoongi.. No, your married with someone else, she's better than me." He immediately cut off the other, not wanting to hear what he has to say, "Jimin, please listen to-", "No Yoongi. Now please leave, I'm not on the mood." Jimin slammed the door on his face and put his back against the door, sighing, "Who was it?" Kiko asked as she peeked down from the hall, "Just a friend.." Jimin responded and sat up.

Few hours later

It was time for Jimin's little movie date. He decided to wear something 'a little more usual' than he usually wears (this is what he wore:

 He decided to wear something 'a little more usual' than he usually wears (this is what he wore:

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Jimin texted Taehyung.

Pastel Cutie ☁️
Taehyung, are we gonna meet eachother there?

Best Boi Tae ❤
Yeah, are you ready?

Pastel Cutie ☁️

Best Boi Tae ❤
I'll see you there baby, love you 😘

Pastel Cutie ☁️
Ok and love you too 💓

Jimin shoved his phone in his right front pocket and walked to Kiko's room. He knocked on her front door, "Come in!" She yelled and Jimin walked in, "What'd you need?" She asked as her friends looked at him, "I'm gonna go out to see a movie with Taehyung, I'll be back." Jimin told her and she nodded, "Alright, have a good time!" Kiko smiled and then he was gone.
Jimin arrived and looked around a little bit for Taehyung, he couldn't find him, "Hey cutie." A familiar voice spoke up and felt a slap on his ass, which made Jimin yelp, "T-Taehyung?!" He blushed madly and looked back at him, who was smirking, "Can I not tease you?" Taehyung teased and Jimin pouted slightly, "Anyways, do you have any movie suggestions?" He asked as they looked at the list of movies that were currently playing, "Why not Little?" Jimin pointed out, "I've always wanted to see it since it came out, so lets wacth it." Taehyung smiled.

Taehyung paid for the both of them and Jimin paid for the snacks, drinks and popcorn. They got into the room, sitting down. This felt awkward since now they were dating and Jimin was still worrying about Yoongi cause of how he acted. He was out of his mind for acting like that.

"Is that Mr.Min..?" Taehyung whispered to Jimin and pointed at the row mostly in the middle since Taehyung and Jimin were in the very back. Jimin looked over and became shocked, "It is." And he was sadly with Yeri, his wife. He was very disappointed and looked down before Taehyung cheered up the mood, "Hey don't worry about him, he's just.. Like different.", "Like what type of different?" Jimin asked and looked up at Taehyung, "A slut. He probably fucked his students and then they saw his wife." He said, which made Jimin think once again.

Soon the movie started and everyone got quiet and that was a time for everyone to enjoy it, but for Jimin he really didn't. Taehyung started to trail his hand up Jimin's thigh and to his member, which started to turn Jimin on slowly and uncomfortable, "T-Taehyung.." He mumbled and he didn't listen. He just kept going and trailed his hand into his pants, "Imma go to the bathroom." Jimin said and Taehyung took his hand out before Jimin walked away.

Jimin walked into the bathroom, closing one of the stalls and leaned onto the door. 'This is so awkward..' Taehyung has been a best friend towards Jimin for years and now their dating after Jimin found out Yoongi had a wife. He sighed before the door opened, 'Who's in here?' He thought and peeked through the little crack of the stall, guess who he saw?

"Yoongi..." Jimin mumbled under his breath and stayed in the stall until he would leave, but he didn't after five minutes. Jimin had to get out. He slowly unlocked the stall and opened it wide open, "J-Jimin..?" Yoongi stuttered, surprised to see him here, "What are you doing here?" He asked and Jimin didn't respond, it was too hard to say anything, "Being slient again..? I get it." Jimin couldn't handle it anymore, seconds passed and he was already in the older's embrace crying his eyes out.

"I'm sorry Yoongi.. I didn't know what got into m-" He was cut off by soft, warm lips laying on his own. It was soon a minute pass and they parted their lips away, "Its fine Jimin. You don't have to say sorry.." Yoongi wiped all the tears away and Jimin smiled softly. He was glad he was reunited with Yoongi again, leaving everything behind of what happened.

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