My World Belongs To You. (1/3)

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Previously on 'My Little Student'

Yoongi laid down next to him, covering their bodies with the sheets. Jimin cuddled up to Yoongi's chest, Yoongi wrapping a arm around Jimin's waist, "I love you..", "I love you too, kitten."

Now we continue.

Jimin slowly woke up, it was already the next day. He forgot where he was. 'WAIT, I'M STILL AT YOONGI'S!' His mom is gonna pissed at him for coming home like this. He tried to get up, but he was pulled back into an embrace, "Don't leave." Yoongi was awake, "Y─Yoongi I─" Jimin tried to say he needed to go, "I know.. Lets just.. Stay like this a little longer..", "O─Ok.."

Its been minutes since, Yoongi was peacefully sleeping and Jimin was awake, trying to figure what to do while he's in this statement until a knock was heard from downstairs. Yoongi immediately woke up, "Jimin, hide in the closet for me and grab your clothing." The tone in Yoongi's voice was a little panicky, "W─Why?" Jimin was confused, "No time for questions!" Jimin got out of bed and gathered all of his clothes before getting inside the closet.

'What's going on..?' Jimin thought and then it was answered with someone else entering the room, "Why do you smell like someone else?" A women spoke up, "Its just from my students from yesterday!" Yoongi complained, "Oh really? Who would be wearing a vanilla cake scent nowadays?!" He was embarrassed, Jimin loved that scent a lot too. "Yeri I─" Yoongi gpt cut off, "We've been married for only a year and your gonna do me like that?!" Jimin's jaw dropped, WAIT? MARRIED?! "Yeri, I just feel like I don't love you anymore." Yoongi rubbed his neck, "Excuses, excuses. You've been hooking up with a student huh?" Yoongi went pale, "So? Did you?" Yeri was surprisingly calm about this, "I─" Yoongi sighed, "Yes I have.." Jimin was honestly just baffled now. Yeri rubbed his temples, "Are they in the room right now?" Jimin went blank, "No! No, I would never bring a student over here." Yoongi's tone is obviously showing he was lying, "Don't lie, I saw that bag in your car. You don't own it nor do I." Fuck. Jimin is doomed. "Imma just leave it here, I'll keep this a secret for now. Do anything further and this will be revealed to the public," Yeri walked to the door, "What I mean is the school." And the door slammed closed.

It only took a few before Jimin was signaled to get out of the closet, slowly walked out of the closet. The room was dead silent, Yoongi turned to face Jimin and walked over. He wrapped his arms around his waist and held him in his embrace, Jimin just stood there and rested his head against his chest. They just stood there, for awhile.
Monday. Great. Jimin walked down the halls, just pretending like it was any normal day. He didn't spot Taehyung around so that was weird, so he walked to class alone. "Aw, the little prostitute arrived." Jimin stopped in his place and turned to face Namjoon, "Shut your god damn mouth Namjoon." A gasp was heard, very dramatic, "Are you even the Jimin we know? I like you even more now." Namjoon wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist, "Namjoon please." Jimin tried pushimg him off, "Please what? Stop? Never." He pulled him closer, Namjoon raising his knee up, hittinh Jimin's member, Jimin accidentally let out a moan, "Ah, that's what I like to hear from you." Namjoon went to his neck and started leaving soft kisses up and down his neck, "S─Stop!" Jimin begged, but nothing happened. He used all his might to move him away, but it just ended with him failing, 'Yoongi.. I wish you were here..' A tear fell from his eye. "You fucking bastard." A voice was heard, a familiar one, the two looked to see who it was. "Taehyung.." Jimin was happy to see that at least someone came to the rescue, "Jeez, everyone ruins my fun with the little prostitute.. I wanted to have a little fun with it." Taehyung was put on the edge as Jimin was basically being treated like a toy to be played with, "Oh, today will be the end of your life, ya know that right? Better enjoy your last seconds." Jimin pulled away as quick as he could before then a punch in the face met Namjoon's face, "Jimin, go. I'll deal with him." The bell rung. Jimin gathered all of his things and left.

'I hope that Taehyung will be ok..'  Jimin was useless to fight back to anyone, he huffed. He wished he could fight to defend himself but all he could do is just stand there. He walked into the classroom and sat down without even giving a glance at Yoongi since a familiar presence was in the room, "Ok, ok settle down. I want y'all to meet my wife.. Yeri." Yeri smiled happily, "Hello, everyone, I'm glad to meet you all." Jimin felt heartbroken, all of a sudden. This feeling, he didn't feel like this yesterday so why now? Oh wait, a show off to the public and keeping a teacher and student being together a secret so the teacher doesn't get fired kinda thing. Why didn't Yoongi tell him he had a wife. WHY DIDN'T HE IN THE FIRST PLACE?! Jimin was about to cry his eyes out, but it was just covered in anger. He raised his hand, "Yes Jimin?" Yoongi looked over at him,  "C-Can I be excused to the bathroom?" Jimin looked back at him as his eyes started to water, Yoongi could spot that and nodded,"Yes.. You may.."

Jimin grabbed his things exiting the classroom. He went to the bathroom, locking himself in a stall and started crying, he wanted to slap himself. How could he be so stupid and so blind? This is not how his year wanted to start, he dialed his mom, hoping she'll pick up, "Hello?" His mom spoke, "Hey, um─ Can you pick me up..?" Jimin sniffed and rubbed his nose, "Jimin, are you crying?!" His mom getting worried, "Mom, I'll explain it later.." Jimin said, not wanting her to worry much until later, "Ok I'm on my way."

To be continued.

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