Thank You

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Previously on 'My Little Student'

"HEY!" A male voice echoed the cafeteria room, the whole room went silent and everyone turned their heads to the source of the voice, "Shit.." Namjoon mumbled and immediately let go, "Now, detention for all of you after school, meet in my classroom. If none of y'all are there, then expect a phone call." The whole group stomped out of the cafeteria, grumbling words, "You alright..?", "U─Um.. Yes.. M─Mr.Min.."

Now we continue

Jimin walked out of school with Tae walking beside him, "So, h-" Jimin cut him off, "P─Please don't talk about that moment." Jimin blushed at the thought.

"Jimin, its not that bad." Tae tried to help him calm down, "Yes it is. Mr.Min had to see me in a stage like that and now he wants me to go to his class tomorrow when school is over." Jimin whined and covered his face with both of his hands. Tae put a arm around him, "Hey, its not the end of the world here." Jimin uncovered his face as he looked at him, "Ok fine.." He mumbled.
The two soon got outside the school waiting for Esther to walk out. "So, anything new with your sister?" Tae asked and Jimin shaked his head, "No─" Jimin peeked over to see Esther walk out, "Holy fuck nevermind." Esther walked out with a boy, holding hands, "Didn't know she had a boyfriend?" Tae questioned, "YUP I DIDN'T KNOW." Esther didn't notice the two yelling since it macthed with the crowded kids outside. She kissed the boys cheek and said bye before she then noticed Jimin, "Lets go before he sees me with you or anyone else." Esther pushed Jimin and Tae, "YAH! Are you embarrassed cause I'm wearing this?" Jimin questioned, "YES!" Esther said, "WHAT ABOUT ME?!"
Jimin and Esther arrived home, "We're home!" They both yelled, "Well welcome home just in time for dinner." Their mom responded, they all sat down at a table with their plates of food all ready, "So, anything you have to say to mom, Esther?" Jimin broke the silence then the aura changed, "U─Uh.." Mom looked at her with her great old death stare that would get the truth outta them, "I'M DATING SOMEONE AT MY SCHOOL OK?! IS THERE A PROBLEM WITH THAT?!" Esther yelled, "No, it isn't, I'm glad you are in love at age like this." Their mom smiled, leaving Jimin in shock, "WAIT WHAT?! WHEN I WAS DATING SOMEONE YOU DIDN'T TREAT ME LIKE YOU DID WITH ESTHER JUST NOW!" Jimin yelled and got up from his chair, slamming his hands down the table, "Well, you were just.. Just forget it." After that, they didn't talk for the rest of the time being.
Jimin was at school, fiddling with his fingers, Tae wasn't at school cause he called him saying he didn't feel well. He had to deal with this alone. Great, fun.

Jimin was minding his buisness until a hand slammed against a locker, he yelped from the metal being slammed and before he could even look up, a hand was raised and he shut his eyes closed.


He opened his eyes to see, "M─Mr.Min..?" Jimin whispered to himself and to Namjoon's awe, he was shocked, "Namjoon and all of your group detention for the rest of the day, I'm not putting up with all of you again and this behavior." He demanded and all of them walked away, "T-Thank Y─!" Jimin was cut off by Yoongi grabbing his wrist and leading him off to class. "W─Why are you doing this..?" Jimin asked and Yoongi looked at him as they stopped at the gym. A hefty sigh left the other's mouth, "I don't want anyone messing with you."
Jimin stayed in the locker rooms the whole hour of gym. 'Did he mean what he actually said..?! No.. Your just over thinking this Jimin.. This has to be a dream.' His thoughts were soon interrupted by the bell, he gathered all of his things and walked off to next hour.

He kept hesitating to go into class, but finally gave enough courage to go in and just sit down, thats what he exactly did. He set his bag next to his right leg, the class soon became quiet and the door opened, "Alright, alright roll call." Jimin looked up and saw Yoongi looking hot as ever could be. He thought he felt he was having one of those anime nosebleeds but really not in his expectation
(this is what Yoongi is wearing)

 He thought he felt he was having one of those anime nosebleeds but really not in his expectation(this is what Yoongi is wearing)

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'Taehyung, I'm dying right here..' Jimin thought, "Jimin Park." Yoongi called out, "Here." He immediately spoke and sighed in relief, "Get your pencils out and your math book, open it to page 60." Yoongi demanded.
They were now doing a paper on their own. It was reviews on past stuff from middle school or just throughout the year, cause of exams coming up in only 4 months. Everyone was doing it in a snap, but Jimin was having troubles. He was drawing hearts on the side of his paper, "Need any help Jimin?" Yoongi went up to him, "A─Ah! N─No." He stuttered and pretended to work, "Alright."

The bell rang a few minutes later. Everyone packed their things and left thr class. Jimin was left alone, packing his things, "U─Um... Mr.Min..?" Jimin said, "Yes Jimin?" Yoongi went up to his desk, "I─I kind of need help.. O─On the paper we did.. I was having troubles.." Jimin slung his bag over his shoulder, "Alright, just meet me here like I said, okay?", "Okay.."

[A/N] ;))))

UPDATE [A/N] wink wonk ;)

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