Stay Away

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[A/N] guess whos off their semi-hiatus? :) yes its me i have got off of it cause i got meh a new phone cause my old phone was fucked. Anyways, lets get started.

Previously on 'My Little Student'

Jimin was walking home by himself, thinking about the events that happened earlier, 'I can't believe it.. My teacher just kissed me.' He kept overthinking it until he got home, he opened the door before yelling, "I'm home!" Jimin closed the door behind him, "There you are! Where were you?!" His mom was checking to make sure he was ok, "Mom, I'm-" His mom found a mark on the boy's neck, "Where did this hickey come from?"

Now we continue

"M─Mom.. I─Its not what you think.. I burned myself!" Jimin came up with a stupid lie, "Jimin, I was worried of why you weren't coming home." His mom said, "I told y-" Jimin was cut off, "NO YOU DIDN'T JIMIN! YOUR SISTER DIDN'T EVEN KNOW." Jimin jumped by his mom's scream, he shaking rapidly, "M─Mom.. I─" He cut off by something slapping his cheek, all that was heard was more slapping and painful cries.

It was the next day, it was like any normal except Jimin's. He went to drop off his sister like he always would and went to school, he walked in and everyone got a glance at him and looked back at eachother, talking again. "JIMIN!" Someone yelled and jumped onto him, "TAEHYUNG─!" Jimin yelped, feeling a stinging pain go through his body, "Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to startle you." Tae got off him immediately, chuckling softly.

"Anyways, how are you feeling Tae?", "Feeling better than yesterday.", "Thats good to hear." Jimin smiled and they both headed off to gym.
So far, no Namjoon or his group was spotted. 'Good..' Jimin thought. "Thinking that we were not gonna be here?" Someone's voice spoke. 'Spoke to soon.' Jimin slowly turned around to now face Namjoon. "W─What do you wa─" He shoved up against the locker "I saw what you did with Mr.Min yesterday." Jimin turned pale as he spoke of the events that happened.

Namjoon reached for Jimin's neck to look for the hickey, he tried to hide it and not let Namjoon touch or find the hickey. Jimin pushed him away with all of his strength and ran out of gym as quick as he could, but he was too late. Namjoon caught up to him and pinned up against the locker, looking for the hickey until he did, "Oh this is gonna be some good news to show to the principal and the news.", "Mr.Kim, what did I tell you?" Yoongi leaned on the wall, wacthing the two. "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE?!", "Just for a minute or two. You know not to expose people's privacy ya'know?" Yoongi grabbed Jimin away from Namjoon.

"BUT─ BUT─" Namjoon was baffled, in shock, "No buts, now delete that pic or I'll report you to the office."
"T─Thanks Mr.Min.. For that..", "Don't mention it. I didn't want him separating us." Yoongi kissed Jimon's forehead, making the small male giggle. "Ok, I understand." Jimin wrapped his arms around the other's neck and hugged him, "I─I love you..", "Love you too Jimin.." Yoongi pulled away gently from the hug and kissed the others lips softly. It wasn't violent, vicious or hungry for his taste, it was gentle and slow. Jimin slid his hands down to Yoongi's shoulder while Yoongi's arms wrapped around Jimin's waist.

The kiss slowly turned into a makeout session. After 3 minutes, they parted their lips to pant for air and then went back to kissing again. Yoongi picked Jimin up and put him on top of his desk, Yoongi parted his lips away and moved his lips down to his neck, 'No.. Yoongi.. Not now.' Jimin kept thinking, but of course he was expecting this.

Yoongi laid his lips on his neck, looking for a soft spot around. Jimin moaned whenever he kissed some of his collarbone, a husky chuckle was heard. Yoongi started sucking on his collarbone making Jimin yelp. "Y─Yoongi─ah!" Jimin moaned in pain when he felt Yoongi bite him. Tears started to well up in the younger's eyes.

The bell suddenly rang making the two jump, they both moved away from eachother and Jimin got off the desk, going to his own before anyone gets suspicious.

"JIMIN WHY WEREN'T YOU AT GYM??' Tae busted in, grabbing onto Jimin, shaking him, "Its just about Namjoon ok.." Tae looked at him and saw the bite mark, but he didn't bother ask, "Ok, ok. Just needed to know."

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