Why Lie?

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Previously On "My Little Student"

He heard talking inside the room, which he assumed Yoongi was teaching or let the teens have a little freetime, just like Jimin when he was tgeir age. He knocked on the door and it turned silent, footsteps were heard on the other side of the door then the door opened....

And Jimin didn't expect what who was gonna answer...

Now we continue.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here.." A women spoke. 'Why is Yeri here?!' Jimin thought and tried to think up a lie, "Oh- um sorry, wrong room." He tried walking off, but Yeri spoke up again making Jimin stop in his place, "You're looking for Yoongi aren't you, Jimin?" SHE REMEMBERS ME. "U─Um.. Yeah.." He finally gave in, knowing damn well he wasn't gonna get away with this. "Oh well, lemme just put it like this. He quit his job, don't ask me where he works now cause I don't know, not my buisness at this point. He could never come to me again after y'all officially got together.." QUIT?! He was in shock, he didn't know what to say. Yoongi would never keep stuff like this away from him, he would tell him everything but maybe since they've gotten busy they couldn't have a proper conversation, "Oh... Um thanks for telling me this─" Jimin ran off to the exit, and down the sidewalk, back home.

Jimin jumbled with his keys to find the correct one to unlock the door, he finally got it and inserted it in, twisting it until it clicked. He walked in and it was empty and quiet. 'Should I check our room..?' Jimin assumed Yoongi would be in there since the car was outside, he started walking up stairs to their room. He hesitated to open the door. 'Should I give him time alone..? Is he even in here..? I'm so worried about him..' Just open the door Jimin. He did finally seeing no one was in there, "Where is he..?" He started to get worired and wondered where he was, should he spam his phone? No, it'd just be annoying. He just left it alone and waited. And waited.

A few hours have passed and Jimin was in the living room quietly sitting there scrolling on his phone; Yes, Yoomgi still hasn't come back. He hasn't came home for hours and hasn't texted or called him, where could he be? Jimin turned off his phone and put on the coffee table before he laid down hugging a couch pillow. Before he could rest his eyes the door opened, Jimin immediately sat up and saw Yoongi. He threw the pillow aside and got up to running towards him, hugging Yoongi tightly, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! I WAS SO WORRIED!" Yoongi didn't respond, he just hugged Jimin back instead and sobbed into his shoulder. Jimin was generally so confused, why was he acting like this? "Whats wrong..? What happened? Why were yo─" Jimin was cut off and didn't finish his sentence, "I can explain everything, just calm down and forget about everything that happened today... Let's just... Get some rest." Yoongi acts so calm just saying that and being in his embrace calmed Jimin down, anything could calm this boy down if it was coming from Yoongi alone, "Ok.. Lets get some rest then.." Yoongi smiled, picking the smaller boy up and carried Jimin to the bedroom. Yoongi laid Jimim down on the bed and laid down beside him. "Love you baby.." Yoongi mumbled as he kissed Jimin's lips before closing his eyes, he seemed tired, "Love you too.." Jimin said back, smiling. And sooner or later they both fell asleep cuddling eachother.

(a/n: i know, single tings be out here reading wattpads and creating cute little scenes 😔✌️)

It was the next day, they both had day a off, so they decided to sleep in for a couple hours. Jimin was the first to wake up, he sat up slowly trying not to wake the other up, god he looks peaceful. He looked at the clock in the room seeing what time it was, '12:05 AM.' It read. He got up and out of bed, heading downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast for them. He grabbed a few ingredients from the cabinets and put them down on the counter. Jimin started cooking pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Yoongi woke up to the odor of food being cooked and walk down the stairs and kitchen, seeing Jimin. Yoongi hugged Jimin from behind. "Morning Yoongi." Jimin chuckled and stopped for a second. "Morning baby.." Yoongi kissed Jimin's neck up to his cheek. Jimin always felt safe in Yoongi's embrace and receiving kisses just fluttered his heart, god he couldn't get enough of this man. Jimin was lucky, a lucky man to have found someone like him. A god.

(a/n this sounds cringy in my head 😔✊ i'm sorry if it is)

Jimin finished cooking and Yoongi let go so Jimin could do what he needs to do. Yoongi went to go sit down while Jimin put the food on the two plates then walked over to the table to set down one plkate front of Yoongi. Jimin sat down next to him and set his own plate down, "So.. Yoongi.." Yoongi looked up at Jimin as he chewed up the eggs in his mouth, "Why did you quit your passed job?" Jimin asked and Yoongi swallowed his food turning a little pale, "Are you gonna answer..?" Jimin tilted his head at him and Yoongi fixed his posture. "I will cause I care for you and I think you should know the reason why I did. What happened was..."

To be continued.


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