Reunited [FINALE]

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[A/N] I'm only giving you this warning for the this chapter that this is a 18+ chapter involving;
• intense sex
So, I'm just warning you

Previously on 'My Little Student'

"I'm sorry Yoongi.. I didn't know what got into m-" He was cut off by soft, warm lips laying on his own. It was soon a minute pass and they parted their lips away, "Its fine Jimin. You don't have to say sorry.." Yoongi wiped all the tears away and Jimin smiled softly. He was glad he was reunited with Yoongi again, leaving everything behind of what happened.

Now we continue

It was a few weeks later, everything was back to normal. Even though, Taehyung hasn't came to school for weeks, so Jimin kind of worried about that. Yoongi broke up and left Yeri, so he could be peacefully with the love of his life and who made him truly happy,


It was the last day of school already, "The year went by fast huh?" Yoongi held Jimin close into his embrace, "Yeah it has." Jimin agreed, "This won't be the last time we see eachother.." Yoongi put a finger under his chin making the other look up at him, "W-What do you mean?" Jimin tilted his head before Yoongi grabbed something out of his pocket and getting down on his knees.

"Y-Yoongi..." Jimin was on the bridge of tears already, "Jimin," He brung out a box and opened it, revealing a sparkling ring that was designed like a crown, "Will you marry me?", "YES!" Jimin immediately said, tears falling down his cheeks. Yoongi put the ring on Jimin's ring finger before getting up, picking Jimin up and kissing him.
It was the end of the day, Jimin was with Yoongi all day and not going anywhere else, "Jimin, I love you so much.", "I love you too." The bell rung and stomps of students outside were echoing down the halls, "We should probably get going.." Jimin pulled away from Yoongi. They got all ready to get out and go home, "Hey Jimin, do you want me to take you home?" Yoongi asked, "Um sure." Jimin responded.

They walked outside together and it went into Yoongi's car before driving off. It was a quiet drive as always when Jimin would ride with Yoongi, "Do your parents know that we were together?" Yoongi asked as they stopped at a red light, "No they don't.." Jimin answered, "Hmm.. Ok.", "Why ask?", "Just wondering." The red light turned green and they continued to drive.

Finally, they arrived. "Well were here." Yoongi said and turned off the car. Jimin looked over at Yoongi and he looked back at Jimin. Jimin leaned in and kissed Yoongi. It started to get farther and they got into the backseats. Jimin was on Yoongi's lap, riding him as he continued to kiss him.

Yoongi parted away, so they could breathe for some air, "Yoongi..", "What is it baby?" God Jimin was desperate for Yoongi, "I-I need you now.." He whined and Yoongi gave what Jimin wanted. Yoongi took off Jimin's clothes and only left him in underwear, "Lay down baby." Jimin laid down, waiting for whatever Yoongi was gonna do.

Yoongi spread his legs open before biting marks on Jimin's thighs, which made the younger moan softly. "Ah~ Thats what I like to hear." Yoongi kissed everywhere on Jimin's body, making him whine desperately and arched his back. "Aw.. Is kitten desperate?" Jimin nodded immediately. A chuckle was thing that was heard before everything got started.

Yoongi unbuckled his belt as he turned Jimin around, "Is my baby gonna be a good boy or turn into a little slut?" Yoongi slapped Jimin's ass, making the younger yelp in pain, "D-Daddy.. Please, I want you now!" He whined desperately wanting the older. "So demanding."

Yoongi took off his own pants including his underwear before shoving violently into Jimin. The younger moaned loudly arching his back. Yoongi started thrusting into Jimin fast and hard, "Y-Yoongi! I'm about to cum!" Jimin cummed all over the seats as he felt the other exit out and turn him around.

"Daddy is desperate for you Kitten, I will fuck you until there is nothing left." Yoongi smirked and shoved his member in Jimin again. Jimin's sweet spot was getting pounded against by Yoongi, moans and desperate whines filled Yoongi's ears it was music.

Jimin was already probably having his second orgasm. Yoongi didn't give any warning and cummed inside Jimin while Jimin cummed on the older's chest. Yoongi exited him and rested on his chest, "I love you so much, kitten.", "I love you too, daddy."

[a/n] hello guys, its sad to see this series end, but who knows? more might come in the future! thank you guys for reading!

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