A Shock.

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Previously on 'My Little Student'

"So.. Yoongi.." Yoongi looked up at Jimin as he chewed up the eggs in his mouth, "Why did you quit your passed job?" Jimin asked and Yoongi swallowed his food turning a little pale, "Are you gonna answer..?" Jimin tilted his head at him and Yoongi fixed his posture. "I will cause I care for you and I think you should know the reason why I did. What happened was..."

Now we continue

Yoongi hesitated for a second before sighing, "It's not as bad if you think about it nor if it's very serious, but I got fired," Jimin gave that blank face, "Really?" He waited just for that (A/N y'all waited for months too HAHAHAH), "I know it's stupid! But Yeri apparently applied for a job at the school and then," He shrugged, "They fired me on the spot, giving me no reason. Now I have to look for another job." Jimin frowned, "Why were you gone almost all day yesterday?" He asked, concerned and worried, "I was looking for jobs that were hiring and I found none, it was getting late anyways." Yoongi said as he finished his food and got up, placing his plate in the sink as he walked over to Jimin then placed a gentle kiss on the other's forehead then a peck on the lips, "Imma go out to find a job, ok?" Jimin nodded with a smile before Yoongi left outta the door. Jimin huffed before he got up and started cleaning up the kitchen.


It was already noon, Yoongi wasn't back yet. Jimin was over here bored out of his mind, laying on the couch and making weird sounds. He sat up as he tried to think of something he could do to pass time, he could go out with Taehyung or just go by himself, continuing the plan the wedding, it was coming up in just a month. In October, but they haven't planned on a day. Eh, Jimin needed to get out and stop being lazy so here he goes. He started getting dressed, grabbed his phone, keys and some money before heading out the door.

He went to the mall to treat himself, he deserved it after all he's done in college. He had no other plans after college anyways but eh, after Yoongi and him get married, what'll be in their future? Kids? Grandchildren? His mind was all over the place until he heard, "JIMINN!" It was a familiar voice so he turned around and saw Taehyung running up to him, hugging him tightly, "What the fu—" He was cut off once he picked up and off the ground, "WHY HAVEN'T YOU TEXTED ME?! I WAS WORRIED THAT YOU GOT KIDNAPPED OR MURDERED OR SOMETHING." Taehyung was that overprotective, mom friend to Jimin, "I was busy, NOW PUT ME DOWN BEFORE I KICK YOUR DICK!" He exclaimed, everyone was giving those concered glances at the two yelling and fighting, or just hiding their kids and walking another way. Taehyung put him down finally and huffed, "Anyways, what're you doing here? I barely even see you go out since you've or we've started college." He asked out of curiosity, "I just wanna be successful in college, so I'm just busy with that mainly. Plus Yoongi is looking fot a job right now." Taehyung' jaw dropped, "What happened to him being a teacher?" Jimin shrugged, "He said he was fired on the spot and do you remember Yeri? His ex wife?" He asked, "Ugh that bitch, hated her in the first place." He rolled his eyes, leaving the other male to chuckle, "Yeah, she basically applied there and took Yoongi' position after he was fired." Taehyung gave that "excuse me, what? explain that again." look. "I don't know how to explain it, Yoongi didn't fully explain it to me at all." Jimin sighed with a shrug, "But all I could cooperate with this small brain I have is just Yoongi got fired. Got it." Jimin snorted, "You're smarter than me, so shut the fuck up." Taehyung raised a brow, "Sureee.." The sarcasm is his tone, "Anyways, wanna walk around and buy some things?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded, "Reason why I came here." And they were off to the numerous stores.

After probably hours of shopping, the two were done and tired so they decided to go home. Taehyung drove Jimin back home, it was a quiet drive but both of them didn't mind the silence. Taehyung pulled in and parked, Jimin got out and so did Taehyung. He decided to help get some bags and separate items, giving the items Jimin bought then handed the bags to him, "Thanks," He smiled and shut the doors, "You better text me or I'm literally gonna think you're dead again." Obviously the other was joking, "Okay, okay whatever Tae." He chuckled as he walked off to the door, Taehyung made sure Jimin got inside safe then headed off once he saw him get inside and the door close.

"Where have you been?" Yoongi turned his head over to Jimin once he walked in, "I went to the mall and bumped into Taehyung." He said as he set his stuff aside, "I haven't seen that boy in awhile, how's he been?" He asked as Jimin sat next to him, "He's doing fine." He rested his head on his shoulder, "Still single?" They both let a chuckle out, "Yup." They kinda just sat there together, being quiet and enjoying their time together, slowly the younger started to drift off to sleep. He cuddled up on Yoongi and fell asleep, Yoongi chuckled and slowly picked him up bridal style to the room so they can be both a bit more comfy instead of sleeping on the couch. He headed up the stairs and opened the door as he walked in, setting down the boy gently and crawled into bed next to him. God, Yoongi adored Jimin. He was lucky, lucky to have someone like him. A goddess, loyal, confident, and just— he could go on about him cause he was that perfect to him. Yoongi placed a hand on Jimin' cheek and caressed it gently, he smiled softly, "I love you, Kitten.." Then, his eyes shut closed and drifted to sleep.

To be continued


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