My World Belongs To You. (2/3)

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Previously on 'My Little Student'
How could he be so stupid and so blind? This is not how his year wanted to start, he dialed his mom, hoping she'll pick up, "Hello?" His mom spoke, "Hey, um─ Can you pick me up..?" Jimin sniffed and rubbed his nose, "Jimin, are you crying?!" His mom getting worried, "Mom, I'll explain it later.." Jimin said, not wanting her to worry much until later, "Ok I'm on my way."

Now we continue

It will take an hour for her mom to get here almost since she's at work. Jimin had to wait in the stall of a boy's bathroom, crying until the end of his own days. His phone dinged. He looked at the message. 'Taehyung?'

Best Boi Tae ❤
Where are you?

Pastel Cutie ☁️
In the bathroom.. I don't feel well..

Best Boi Tae ❤
Is it about Mr. Min?

Pastel Cutie ☁️
Yeah.. I can't get over the fact that he has a wife.. Why didn't he tell anyone in the first place..? Even me.

Best Boi Tae ❤
Bet just for a secret

Pastel Cutie ☁️

Best Boi Tae ❤
Are you heading home early today?

Pastel Cutie ☁️
Course I am.

Best Boi Tae ❤
Can we see eachother for a bit before you get picked up?

Pastel Cutie ☁️

Jimin unlocked the stall, wiping off all the dried tears off his face. He inhaled and exhaled deeply before leaving the bathroom. He went to the cafeteria seeing Taehyung. He walked up to him, sad expression all smeared on his face. "Jimin you ok?", "Now that I'm here with you, I'm fine.." Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jimin's fragile body, pulling him into an embrace.

Jimin pulled away gently and leaned in closer, laying his lips on Taehyung's. He didn't even notice what he was doing, but he was happy again. He felt Taehyung kiss back. 'Why am I doing this..?' Jimin thought, but he enjoyed it. Taehyung pulled away and smiled gently. Jimin did too.

"JIMIN AND TAEHYUNG!" A female voice spoke and they looked that way. Yeri. "This is not love time for guys, go to girls god..", "Are you-", "Yes, I'm homophobic and I don't like the sight I'm seeing.", "Yeri." Jimin didn't expect to hear Yoongi's voice again. "What's going on?" Yeri pointed at the two. "Oh.." Jimin looked very disappointed. He looked down at his feet, not saying anything. "Jimin." The principal came in. "Your mother is here to pick you up." Jimin let Taehyung go and passed by Yeri and Yoongi to walk out, which left a confused Yoongi, a worried Taehyung and a furious Yeri.
Jimin stayed in his room since he got home, hugging his knees. 'Should I go back or no..?' He didn't know anymore. He only had one person he trusted, Taehyung. Thinking of him as of now, his rang. He grabbed it, seeing 'Best Boi Tae ❤' He smiled, his mood brightening. He answered.

"Hey.", "Hey Jimin, what are you doing right now?", "Nothing really, what about you?", "Same here.", "Anything new about today?", "Yoongi was asking me what your problem is lately since of your actions. I didn't answer anything he asked me cause he it really isn't his buisness, his only buisness is THAT whore, Yeri.", "Since tomorrow its not a school night, can we go see a movie?", "Anything for my little kitten." Jimin blushed at the name. 'He's giving me nicknames now, I'm about to go into my casket if he keeps doing it.' Jimin kept blushibg at the thought before he heard a chuckle. "Anyways, Imma go rest now.", "Its really only 7-", "Is my kitten talking back?", "N-No..", "Ok, goodnight baby.", "Night." Then the call ended.

'Is Yoongi gonna be disappointed? Or..' It was like Jimin and Tae were already in a relationship after Jimin figured out that Yoongi had a wife. He's so dumb for not notcing that stupid thing. "Yoongi... I'm sorry..." Jimin sobbed.

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